Chapter Nine

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I wake up with someone sitting on my bed. It's dark, there are no light switches in the cell.

"Hey, you're fine, everything's fine, calm down."

I sit up groggily, "Alex, why are you sitting on my bed?"

"You were having a nightmare and crying, so I thought I would wake you up."

"Thanks, but I realize now that it wasn't a nightmare."

"What was it then?"

"Memories. Torture sessions with the Warden." I close my eyes trying to block out the terrible memories.

Alex shifts closer to me on the bed and takes my hands. I stare into his striking green eyes and feel myself relax.

"He was twirling a knife in his hand before he..." I can't repeat what happened next, the pain is too raw. Tears spring up in my eyes and I choke back a sob, feeling my throat close up.

"You can tell me what happened when you want to. Let's try to get some sleep." I lay back down as he caresses my cheek before leaning over me and whispering "We'll get out of here, don't worry." He gets up and walks over to his bed.

Through my blurry vision, thanks to me crying, I see that we only have two hours left. I close my eyes and try to sleep without the nightmares.

Harsh light filtered through my closed eye lids, I squint and sit up.

Three female guards and three male guards burst into the cell. I can feel the lighter footsteps coming toward me. One of them seizes my forearm and wrenches me to my feet. I'm put into handcuffs and blindfolded and hustled forward, until we stop. I hear the click of the lock and I'm thrusted through the door. My blindfold and handcuffs are taken off. I'm back in my cell.

The first question that pops out of my mouth is "why am I here?"

The guard closest from me answers "Your healing period is over so we took you back to your cell." All of the guards leave, and I'm left in my dark cell. I walk over the bed and welcome the blackness of sleep.

Bang! Bang! "Get up!" A female voice from outside orders. Reluctantly I rise and walk over the bathroom to get ready for today, I'm wearing my training clothes, but these clothes are more form-fitting. I eat breakfast alone, today was french toast, a handful of grapes and orange juice. I remember that today is the first day of physical training.

I walk up to my cell door and raise my wrists to cross a X over the door.


As I push the door open, I see two tall blonde haired female guards waiting for me. The guard with handcuffs in her hands, barks at me "Curtsy." I do and my hands are thrust behind me as the guard slaps the handcuffs on and I tilt my head as the gag covers my mouth and throat. A blindfold is tied around my head, while headphones clamp my head and pepper spray burns my nose. I'm spun around and the guards me pull along.

Shut Down.

I lose track of time. I feel the headphones being lifted off my head, my blindfold is untied. I blink and see that we are in the obstacle room. My hands are un-cuffed, I rub my sore wrists.

"Wait here." Orders one of the blonde guards as they walk away. I turn around to take in more of my surrounds, two large blue mats are on the floor and mirrors on all sides of the room. I see fighting dummies, placed on the blue mats.

"Hey, are you ready for physical training?" Alex steps out behind one of the dummies and walks toward me.

"I guess, but I'm nervous about what they want us to do." Alex puts his hand in mine.

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