Chapter 3

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"Huh? Im performing with IO?! But, I like just met him!" I said sitting in my limo on my way to the concert. My manager shrugged.  "Well, it could get you more fans to perform with him. He is pretty famous too."

I sighed. "I guess so..."

We arrived at stadium a little late so we were running. "Why is it such a big event?" I asked as we reached the door. She shrugged. "Just hurry !" She said as I went im and went up the stairs. I saw IO there getting his microphone on and he looked over at me.

"Ah, your here!" he smiled. Then, another person came over to put on my microphone. "Okay its time to go out!" they said moving us to the opening of the stage.

《Next day...》

I walked to school again, ignoring all the people around me. I got to the class 1-A and saw IO surrounded.I continued to walk to my desk behind him. I sat down and, the new friend I had recently made, came over. She didn't care that I was famous.

"Aw, whats wrong? You look so glum!" she smiled big trying to lift my spirits. She had blond hair that was in twintails.  Her eyes were blue and she has a nice personality. And, doesn't care who I am. Perfect friend.

"I was up all night helping  with lyrics for my next song....I think im going to skip class..."

"Then your grades will go down!" I shrugged. "Ah, I was studying too," she said starting to fall asleep.


Aza shook me. "Wake up! It's time for lunch!" I sat up and looked around for IO. He was still at his seat. I started to open my mouth to invite him, but 2 other boys beat me to it. He accepted and walked out with them.

"Come on, I have permission to go on the roof! Wanna come?"

I nodded and followed her. I hope IO is okay I thought. Wait, why am I thinking about him?!

iNSaNiTY [Vocaloid Fanfiction] Ia X IoWhere stories live. Discover now