Chapter 76

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June 25

Camilas POV

We have been trying to have a baby like the normal love making if we make love we don't use a condom

right now I'm at the house with the girls Lauren is working out with Adam today I feel so nauseous I have for a few weeks I'm going to the doctors today

"So Camila hows the baby making going"Dinah asks

"Well I want you guys to come to the doctor with me today I have been feeling sick for some weeks"I say and they nod then put here shoes on

"Not right now"I say

"What time is it at"mani asks

"1"I say

"It's 12:45"ally says and I get up and get my purse then walk out with them to the rover they came in and we got to the doctors

"Hello Ms.Cabello nice to see you jump on up here"the doctor says and I get on

"Is your partner here"she asks

"No I want to surprise her"I say and she lets the girls in

"Ok let's see"she says and put the ultra sound on my stomach with a gel

"Well Camila it looks like your 3 weeks exactly today"she says and I let a tear fall

"Lauren is going to be so happy"I say

"You can tell her for her birthday"Dinah says and I sign some papers and they give me the stuff I need for my pregnancy

"Where can I hide this"I ask with the papers

"We can take it here leave it in here and for her birthday take it out"ally says and I nod
When we get him Lauren is there with Adam

"Hey baby"she greets me at the door and I peck her lips

"When was it that you are going back to music"I ask

"March"Lauren says and I nod

"Ok I still have time with you"I say

"And when are you"lauren asks

"We are on a undefined hiatus"I say and she nods

"Why"she asks

"Well we don't really know where to go From were we are"I say and she nods understandably

"Yea"lauren says

"I'll support you no matter what"she says and kisses me then leaves to shower and I sit with the girls watching tv

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