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A bright sunny day greeted me as i decided to take a walk down the block to have a breath of fresh air. i enjoyed it..the feeling of having a time alone.having a time to think.though it makes me feel enlightened this also scares me.it scares me thinking alone by myself.

i halted from my thoughts when i felt someone bump strongly against me. the impact slightly made me stumble. the hell is this guy thinking?! he just continued walking and didnt even bother apologizing for what he did.seriously! the people these days.

" YAH! " i yelled loudly,not bothering whether people might find me obnoxious or what.this guy really need some good scolding right now.

a deafening thump roared inside me as those pair of eyes came contact with mine once again.an exasperating gasp left my lips though only audible for me to hear. those damn hypnotizing eyes.

he slowly made his way towards me. i stay glued, watching him move perfectly,gracefully towards my direction. a smirk displayed playfully across his face.tch.how can this guy swoon me over like this.

" we meet again Sandara Park " he greeted together with a brief chuckle. oh that chuckle that triggers something unfathomable inside me.

" stop calling me by my full name" i tried to sound irritated.hiding the blush that crept unto my cheeks hearing him say my name like that.it gives off a different feeling.and i dont know why.

" okay... what should i call you then?" he said as he naturally run his finger through his hair.not aware that it made my breath hitch for a second or so.

wait.where is this going? i was supposed to be angry for him bumping me like that.what the hell is wrong with me?

" are you okay?" i said with full sarcasm as i tapped my sneakers lightly against the floor.i saw his eyes beam up and smiled giddily at me.

" why? " he said with a rather perky tone for my liking.seemingly amused by my question.

" i think you need to study good manners again Mr. Kwon Jiyong" i tried my best to speak firmly though internally i am severely shaken.

he just smirked as an understanding of the situation.god he is rude.

" oh.. im sorry for that, if i have known it was you i wouldnt have bumped you that hard" i dont know if i should be delighted that he said that he wouldnt do that if it was me or i'll be angry because if that was any other person he wouldnt give a shit.

i rolled my eyes at him and pushed my way through and mimicked what he did to me earlier, this time i did much harder though my body was much weaker.

i didnt even know that i held my breath as i passed through him.electric current spazzed throughout my body as my heartbeat seemed to be on an overdrive. i cant believe this meeting made me falter again and i am scared to my wits end that this feeling may make me crumble in the future.


Author's note:

this chap sucks.forgive me.

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