A Different Kind of Swan Princess

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She was beautiful

Perfect golden curls cascading down her back

Silver tiara perfectly centered atop her head

A perfect silver gown with matching diamond jewelry

Perfect, perfect, perfect

She hated that word

She hated it almost as much as she hated how much she actually cared

Not because of the constant pressure

Not because of of the constant lessons of learning to be better, all while wondering why she's never fine just the way she is

Because she knows

Fine, isn't perfect

Not because of the hours of time her maids spend getting her to look not her best, but the best

Because she knows

Her eyes are like her favorite type of weather


Not the dark rain clouds, but the bright clouds

The clouds that are as bright as they can be, trying so hard to be the bright, beautiful sun, but fail every time

The clouds that aren't rainy, because they are not aloud to cry

They're only aloud to try harder because giving up is not an option

Her eyes are what everyone calls her biggest flaw

The cloudy grey eyes trying to be the brilliant blue of a sunny day's sky

But, in the end, they still and always will be, grey

She loves her eyes

She likes them the most

Today is one of those days

The bright clouds cover the sky, dropping the temperature

She sneaks to the roof of the tallest building in the castle grounds

She looks out to the forrest, away From the people who she was supposed to love, even though they clearly would hate her no matter what she did

Because she was not perfect

You know, the sky is the only thing that's truly free

She smiled softly, closing her eyes as the wind blew in her face

Not gentle and graceful like everyone expected, like everyone demanded

It was wild, whipping through her hair, roaring in her ear, comforting, yet encouraging her at the same time

She wishes she could fly

Not to leave and fly as far away as possible, oh no

She wasn't that stupid

She knew no matter where she went, nothing would change

Except for one place

She reached up, letting her hair down for the wind to whip around and tangle

She loved it

She took off her shoes and jewelry, throwing her crown as far as possible

She wouldn't need jewels where she was going

You see, she wanted to fly just so she could simply enjoy these cloudy days

So she could for once in her life feel free

She took eight steps back, before she took off running

Her feet skimmed the ground, faster, faster, faster! The freedom was so close! she could almost reach it, almost taste it

She launched over the edge,

and she flew

Just for a moment, just for a split second, she flew

And she felt it, oh god, she felt it

The chains and weights disappeared and all that was left was an overbearing freedom

never before had she ever felt such an incredible sense of happiness and weightlessness

Then she smiled

And she fell

And she smiled the whole way down, because she knew heaven was in the sky

And that was her destination

Because you know, the sky is the only thing that's truly free

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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