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N was begging Sarah all week to accompany her at a party, Sarah being the introvert she is, said no, of course.  

Sarah would rather die than go to another one of those parties, she hated the dancing, the music, and most of all, the girls, they just seemed so fake to her.

Sarah sat at her laptop, searching for a cinema that hadn't fully-booked Infinity War, sadly, she found none.

Sarah laid on her bed as the sun started to fade, she had nothing to do, boredom was all she could feel, she called N, thinking that maybe this party will be different, what if I actually like it?

N sounded chill and played it cool, but there were fireworks going off inside her when she heard what Sarah said, she felt like she actually did something.

The time came, Sarah walked out the front door to see N in a stunning scarlet dress, a bit overdressed for some lame high school party, Sarah, on the other hand, was wearing an over-sized gray shirt, and some sweats she didn't realize were stained.

N was questioning Sarah's fashion choices, but ultimately didn't care, it was good enough that she even left her house. 

As they came closer to their destination, anxiety started taking over Sarah, thousands upon thousands of thoughts came crawling through her head, worried and scared Sarah tells N she doesn't want to go in anymore. 

N tells Sarah to relax as it's only one night, it won't be a problem, Sarah realized how stupid she had been and walks right into the house.

Instantly the music makes Sarah's head hurt, she thought Havana has been overplayed so fucking much.

A few of the girls greet her, sounding extremely drunk, their breaths were making Sarah nauseous, in her opinion these girls were a bunch of pathetic sluts going nowhere in life.

An hour goes by

Sarah had been sitting around one corner of the house the whole time, everyone was dancing, she felt sick to her stomach until something, someone caught her eye.

It was a boy no taller than 5'10, but he more than made up for his height with the charming aura be gave off, he had a short beard, thick brown hair, and quite an athletic build.

Sarah decided to stop judgementally laughing at everyone and she brought herself to talk to the handsome young man.


Did you really think she would do it that easily? Well you truly are a fool if you did.

While she did end up talking to him, she barely said anything, it had been N that had done all the work for Sarah.

The night was over.

Numbers were exchanged.

Friendsips were made.

And Sarah had a date the next day...

Sarah The MasochistWhere stories live. Discover now