Who the hell names their child Holmes?

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Holmes Sawyer, the girl with oversized sweaters and batcrap crazy parents, is being transfored to her new school in the middle of the year. How cliche can it get? I mean come on, she has an insane step dad and a strange obbsession to boys with Nintendos, how will she survive a thing like highschool? But the main and only question you should be asking yourself is, in the end:

 Who the hell names their child Holmes Sawyer?


This story idea was created by two friends with a mutual interest in making stories that have a main character with a hell for a life. That's how Holmes Sawyer was created. Yes the name Holmes is from the book by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and yes the name Sawyer is from the book Tom Sawyer. Her parents were drunk, thank you very much. All characters were created by us, and are very very original and fabulous. No you can not have them. 

CopyRight 2014 (c) TheLairOf_POTaTOS

We both like this story very very much, and if you decide to take this story and pretend it is yours then, well, we will hunt you down and kill you in your sleep. With an angel of the lord. Okay? Okay. If you have the time please do go look at our other story, Socks of Blue, for we may or may not add in tiny references to it in this book. You never know. 

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