Chapter 1: Do I Know You? (Jackie)

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A/N-there will be bad words have been warned.
Jackie's POV

   Here I am again waiting for Darren at his gate. Ugh... can he just go oyt so thibgs can be the same again. I'm so tired of waiting I've been here since morning and I haven't eaten lunch yet. Then the gate opens..."Darren! Finally you're out. Come on let's go play in the tree house" I say. No response but he is looking at me. "Hey... listen about the teddy bear. I'm sorry for blaming you. It was really my fault why it broke. Can you forgive me?" I ask. He still says nothing. "Come on sweetie it's time to go in the car. We have to leave for our flight" his mom says bringing to the car. As the car leaves slowly going out of view I scream."HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? WHY ARE YOU LEAVING?! HEY!" I give up screaming once I can't see their car. All I can simply do is go on my knees and say this myself as my surroundings darken..."Please come back. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

   "I'M SORRY!" I scream as I wake up. "Another dream about Darren. That was 8 years ago, I was just 5 years old when that happened. Why am I having dreams of my childhood ever since I moved back to the Philippines" I say to myself as I am gasping for air. But that was back in America. Why now? Why here? "Jackie! Get your butt of that bed! Don't you 5 more minutes me! I heard that scream!" my mom screams from the kitchen. Of course I do what she wants I don't want my butt kicked.

   An hour later my mom is driving me to school. "Remember this is going to be your first day in UST so behave yourself. Don't show the people who you really are ok. At least not for now. I don't want their being another controversy of you punching someone" my mom warns me. "I only punched her cause she deserved it. Nobody slaps my best friend." I say. "Even though you shouldn't have done that you got suspended because of it. And we were lucky because your principal was nice but the people of the Philippines are strict remeber that. Just try your best to make a good impression ok. Bye bye sweetie love you." mom says as she kisses my forehead goodbye. "Bye love you too" I say as I walk out of the car. I walk towards the entrance of my building but...HOW THE HEVK AM I SUPPOSED TO GET IN?! PEOPLE ARE CROWDINH THE DAMN THING?! I had to wait 5 minutes until they left and thennn I had to search fory ne in list of 10 god damn sections how many smart assss are hear.

   I'm here. In the classroom. THAT IS ON THE 3RD GOD DAMN FLOOR! No wonder my dad told me I should be at least a bit athletic once I get into UST. I never thought it would be like this. SO TIRING. WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO?! Well I may not now anybody here but damn there are a lot of bitches here. I mean who wears make up on the first day of school. Don't me. I see that lipstick and eyeliner on their thick ass faces. Well I might as well just take a seat. And I do. "Hi! Ako si Alex. Ano pangalan mo?(Hi! I'm Alex. What's your name?)" Alex says. I may not speak in tagalog but I do understand it. "I'm Jackie. And if you and I are going to be friends you meed to know that I don't speak in tagalog that much cause I come from Ameeica." I say warning her that she could get a nosebleed from me. "Oh that's ok I can speak english fluently anyways. So I know this may sound crazy cause we've just met and all but what's life in America?" Alex asks. "It's ok really but there are a lot of bitches there and it could take some time getting used to no snow for a couple of years" I answer. I bet this is all people are going to ask me once they know I'm from America. "Reallyyyyyy I've always dreamed of seeing and touching snow and you actually experienced it every year. I'm telling you, be ready for the heat." Alex says. Well she doesn't seem bitchy well might as well give these friends a chance. But so help me if she turns out like my other 'friends' I'll be better of eating lunch alone.

   Sometime later our adviser came. She seems nice but she is strict. Guess that's what mom was telling me about keeping my temper down. Cause there are people like her around. Well it's time for recess me and Alex are hangging out a bit. After recess it's time for the boys to introduce themselves. "You know Jackie I'm quite excited to see whk the boys in our class our. They are total hotties. Like we are classmates with a model." Alex informed me. "*GASP* A model! How come I don't know this. Why tell me now?" I asked. "Well I thought you knew because you're from America I thought that you knew I mean he did have a bit oh his childhood in America I'm just not sure where. By the way where did you live when you were in America?" Alex asked. "First of all why would I want to know if one of our classmates is a model. Second I lived in Carolina while I was in America if you want to know." I told her. "Don't worry recess is about to be over. The boys are about to introduce themselves. I'll tell you which one is the model. Oh and I've also heard that there's another American in our class but I'm not exactly sure though." Alex says questionably.

   Well recess is done. Time for the boys. Ugh 5 minutes have passed and none of these guys have caught my eye. "Yo Alex wake me up when this model guy is in front ok?" I ask Alex to do. I mean what because of that stupid dream I wasn't able to think properly and now I'm sleepy. "Sure. I got your back girl." She assures me. I think I was about to sleep for about 10 minutes. And that was a damn good sleep. "Jackie, wake up. He's already im front." Alex says whisper screaming in my ear. "Hello everyone I  am Darren Young and yes I am the model on the cover of some teen magazines." He says and he hurriedly goes to his chair. Wait...he's sitting right in front of me. Wait Darren...nah doesn't ring a bell............ WAIT DARREN?! MAYBE HE'S HIM. OK BE THE BRAVE GIRL THAT YOU ARE. I tap him on the back. He looks at me. Well here goes nothing..."Umm this may seem weird but do I know you by any chance. Not in your modelling career I mean personally?" I ask. Well I did it. He opens his mouth to answer and....
A/N- Well hellooooo I am just hear to say that the next chapter will be im Darren's POV. It was supposdd to be just 1 long chapter but I had no time. And exams are coming up. So most probably I will be frequently posting after the month of May. So till the end of the month. Oh and I didn't include Jackie introducing herself because I wanted to have the freedom of what was going to happen with the girls introducing themselves. And I'm going to tell you a lot of girls are going to introduce themselves. And Chapter 2 will be a continuation of this chapter just so you guys don't get confused. Well that's all see on the end of the month. Byeeeee.

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