Chapter 14: A Hard Fight

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Hey guys here is the next chapter! This is an open door to a mountain of chaos.. I hope yall enjoy😰😰😊💗

Violet's POV

I quickly continued to finish my homework assignment locked away in my room that night. I heard all the warnings from Penny and I understood where she was coming from, but I had to do this. Jamie was out there somewhere, either hurt or worse, so I had to get him back for Riley. I heard through Tip that Riley was crying all day right after she got the news..that's why she hadn't shown up to the Tadahoney celebration this afternoon. It was getting late out and the hours flew by at the house. My mom had told me to go to bed an hour ago.., "I just want you to get a good night sleep dearie. You understand that, right?" I smiled and nodded under the covers, "Yeah, it's totally fine, mom." ..I hadn't told them about the "Leila Ordeal" yet and it was starting to get to me. I wasn't lying, I just wasn't saying the whole truth. My mother noticed immediately, "What's wrong?" I hesitated looking away from her, "Oh..I just..," I yawn and gave a warm expression hiding the one I was feeling, "I'm a little tired from the school work and I love you." She sighed and gave me a hug, "I love you too. Now get some sleep."

"I will." She soon shut the door and I let out the air I was holding. I don't like lying to my family, but I had to keep them safe. Besides, I'm just dealing with a bratty teenager..or so I think. 11:50 was the time on the clock after an hour or so my mom said goodnight to me. Here goes nothing.. I turn invisible, after putting on my super suit, and snuck out of my bedroom window. I quietly climbed down my house, clinging onto the bricks holding everything in place. I breathed heavily as I made my way down the side of the house, my fingers slipped out of the grasp of the brick and I plunged down towards the ground. However, I only yelped, landing in a bush breaking my fall. I looked around with wide eyes making sure no one heard me and climbed out of the prickly plant. I sort of smiled, "I'm glad mom decided to plant those.." And I ran on the abandoned road to where my destination was. At that moment, I felt kinda strong and courageous running in the night, unseen with clean tracks.

I may not be as heroic as dad, but my self esteem rose and my heart rate quickened looking up at the dark sky. It do I say it, pitch black. Fear trickled down my skin but I shook it off, concentrating on the task at hand. I arrived at the alley way of Shadow Valley, turning back to visible. I scoured the surroundings for any trace of her. The town clock chimed at the hour of midnight in the distance. It rang as my eyes scanned the shady buildings. I whispered furiously to the surroundings but no one else could hear me, "Where are you Leila?" I heard something from behind me. I quickly turned to find nothing in front of me, then another swoosh by the trash can toppling over. I knew she was here. I yelled at the nothingness, "Show yourself!"

A grim laugh filled the empty void as Leila came out of the darkness with an evil smirk all over her face. She had her hands on her hips, "What? Tired of talking to yourself?" I growled, "Cut it out, Leila! I know you were the one who kidnapped Jamie!" She raised an eyebrow, "Well, you caught me," she held up her hands unaffected, "For a super, you sure took a long time to figure that out." I stumbled a little as she said that, but I wouldn't let her words get to me, "So, how did you do it? Are you a time traveller?" She laughed, and she lifted her hand, leaving the other on her hip, "Oh, you have no idea." Leila snapped her fingers and vanished in a cloud of black smoke. Where did she go?! Then she reappeared on my side and pushed me down. I gasped landing on the ground. Black smoke? Pitch? couldn't be Pitch's doing..he's dead! Leila sent me a smug glare, "Surprised?" I gave it right back, "Well you know what they say, 'Evil doesn't fall far from the tree,'" I also added standing up, "Leila also means 'Night or Dark Beauty'..Wilbur looked it up." She laughed fluffing her short hair, "Well isn't that flattering.."

Suddenly, she fired a black slash at me, and I quickly blocked it with my force field power. I blended in and snuck behind her, although she felt my presence and twisted around and kicked me in the gut. I reveal myself accidentally and held my stomach, backing away from her, "So why did you do it? Why did you steal Jamie?" She walked closer to me, "Because he knows who I want." Leila threw another black fog and I again blocked it. I yelled at her, throwing a punch, "So, you didn't steal him for yourself?" She dodged my punches and ducked when I kicked up high, "I never loved Jamie, he was just my ticket into the mission." She grabbed my leg and pushed me down to the floor. I grunted with my face kissing the cement, "What mission?" I tried to pull my face off the ground but Leila only pushed down harder, "To get rid Jack Frost." I didn't say anything but shock filled my face. Jack Frost? Why did she want to get rid of him?

I twisted my foot in her hands and kicked Leila in the head and she let me go. She growled, "Enough of this!" Leila charged at me and flashed a black streak and I turned invisible ducking under its fog. I swiped my foot under her, but she pounced up, letting her dashing body soar up with grace. It's not hard to believe she's done this forever, has she had training? I couldn't help but think she was powerful. We clashed and held each other's arms, pushing fiercely on one another. I used all of my might against her, "You'll..never get away with this!" She only smirked at me, "I already have." Leila let go of one of her arms and swung at my face, blasting my cheek at ease. I stumbled back and she didn't let me catch a break penetrating my chest with a black flash. My sight went hazy and my head felt achy. I fell will great force into the ground and I held my stomach with agony. I groaned in pain as I stared up ahead and felt Leila squat down beside me and pull my shoulder close to her, "And you can't escape from me because everytime you close your eyes for sweet sleep, I'll be there, waiting, ready to make your nightmares a reality, and you can't stop me." I forced the words I was thinking to come out of my mouth, "What..m-makes you say that?"

"Because I'm the princess of nightmares and you and your puny friends will be affected as well." No. I didn't want them to be harmed by this! I was supposed to protect them! I felt her evil smile, "That will all go away and you'll have Jamie, just as long as you keep your end of the bargain;" she said through her teeth, "give me Jack Frost." I groaned feeling the pain in my stomach grow stronger, "Why do you want Jack?"

"That's none of your concern," she shoved her foot into my stomach and I cried out, "But you..really need to check that out and stay out of my way. I hope to see you soon with Frost boy." She lifted her foot up and disappeared without a trace. I couldn't move, but I had to. I sat up and tried to stand on my feet. I fell on my knees and a tear stung on my face. Okay Violet, you gotta stand, I told myself. I used all the strength I had left to keep myself up. Everything aches, everything hurt. My brain was unsteady and I caught myself tripping. I didn't feel heroic or worthy at all as I had before. I felt my self esteem shrink and my face bruised. How could I take another step.. I couldn't walk anymore.. My legs shook and buckled from under me and I fell to the ground. I cried as I laid there and then there was nothing.

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