➵ Don't believe everything you think

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Thomas groans in a way that earns him another short lecture from his teacher, as he's told to stop staring out the window for at least the eighth time. Minho shoots him a questioning look from where he sits across the scrappy classroom, and Thomas waves him off with his hand. Next to him, his lab partner, Ben, snorts absentmindedly. He's been watching Thomas drool all morning and he finds it...amusing, to say the least.

It won't be as easy to get Teresa off his back, who's also looking at Thomas with an odd expression. She's judging him, in that way of hers that has him wanting to kick himself. He rests his head on his hand, sat up with his elbow, trying - for the hundredth time - to focus. Picking at the corners of his copy, he frowns when he realises it's empty, and he wants to kick himself again for zoning out and missing the majority of the notes.

Not that he particularly likes biology, but he's failing and if he can't stop thinking about a scrawny, spiky headed kid he's never going to get anything done. Not that he wants to, the orphic blonde boy could capture his mind for hours.

"Thomas Edison! For the last time - okay, I give up - just move up here, next to Winston. I swear - what's with you guys and day dreaming? Is it the hot weather?" Mrs Malone shouts out, then, and Thomas notices that he's not the only one hardly paying attention. Half the kids in the class are doodling on copies, have their heads on their desks, or are simply staring into space. What can he say? Biology isn't fun.

Thomas doesn't bother protesting as he gathers his things, grumbling slightly as he shuffles slowly forwards from the back of the class to the very front - he hopes this isn't his new permanent seat. He can still hear Ben cackling when he sits down, and the kid - Winston? - gives him a sympathetic look.

Satisfied, Miss Malone continues scratching notes onto the chalkboard, and Thomas groans quietly when hospital boy returns to his head. It's almost ironic. Moving his seat from beside the window won't turn off his brain. He just can't function today.

It's another ten minutes before the bell finally rings, and Thomas grabs his things before stuffing them into his bag roughly, speed walking out of the classroom before his teacher can call him back.

Teresa catches up with him in the hallway, just as their turning a corner (occupied by a group of kids exchanging some sort of drugs, lovely) and nearing his locker. "What's up with you today, Tom? You've been acting weird since yesterday." She points, accusingly. Her tone, Thomas guesses, isn't meant to come across as contradicting as it does, but she sounds a little harsh anyway. He sighs, facing her.

"Nothing, T. Just got some stuff on my mind, yeah?" He says, giving her a look that tells her to quit asking questions. She wants to glare at him, but Thomas catches her smoothing her expression before trying to smile. "Fine. But if there's something going on, you can tell me," she reminds him, before turning around and walking away.

She's just going to their table in the cafeteria, but Thomas feels a little hurt that she didn't wait for him. He grits his teeth and grabs his shit from his locker, before slamming it shut, and walking in her direction.

Hospital boy is still smiling shyly at him, and he almost crashes into a group of theatre kids. Stumbling over himself and apologising messily, Thomas cringes as he continues to walk towards the cafeteria.

Blondie needs to get out of his head.

And fast.

✘ ✘ ✘


"Do you have any idea what you've got yourself into?"

Newt shrugs, picking numbly at his toast. He's spraying crumbs everywhere, flicking them into the table with his fingers. Sonya smacks his wrist with a stern expression, waving her arms around while she vents. "Quit playing around, Newt! You're in deep shit here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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