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BEXLI FACED THE GROUP OF MEN, one hand poised on the rugged handles of the black Kawasaki she was perched on, her other clutching her M16 Assault Rifle.

Her right hand absentmindedly revved the engine as her green eyes assessed the threat before her. A man who looked to be in his early thirties stood at the forefront of the group, a makeshift white flag in his hand.

"We don't want trouble." He said to Bexli, his tanned face not giving anything away.

She cocked her head to the side, perplexed for a moment. Trouble? This was new. Every single male that Bexli and Mackenzie had encountered so far had made the mistake of underestimating the two sisters. A grave mistake.

Yet here stood close to eight men, their hands resting lightly on their guns, ready to draw and fight to the death if need be. Against one woman?

"We're just passing through. We weren't taking any of your supplies." The same man spoke again, his face blank.

Our supplies? Now Bexli really was confused. All the supplies that her and Kenzie needed were in the bags on their backs. They never stayed in one place for too long, for fear of being captured by brutes, so why would they store supplies in the city? Only brutes were known to do that.

Oh. It was then that the realization dawned on Bexli. With her matte black helmet covering her face, and her sunset-red hair tucked into her thick jacket, no one would know she was a woman. These men thought she was a brute. Ha. Not even close, boys.

"Should we kill them?" Bexli asked.

It was their turn to be confused. Who was she talking to? And that voice belongs to a woman.

The sudden realization that Bexli was a female vanished from their minds, as they heard the cocking of a gun behind them.

The men slowly turned around to face Kenzie, whose black Suzuki had crept in quietly behind them while their attention had been focused solely on Bexli.

Unlike Bexli, Kenzie's helmet hung from her handlebars, her dirty blonde hair falling around her waist.

Kenzie smirked, her machine gun aimed and ready. "I think it's in your best interest not to move."

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