Chapter 4

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Ugh this chapter is soooo short -_- I'm so sorry guys... Anyways, thank you all who are keeping with me on this i love you guys soooo much ( ^ω^ )

Comment, review, read, suggest, and all that other good stuff ;)


I woke up, walked into my bathroom, and looked in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red; I must have cried for hours last night, I thought, quickly shaking it off. I wanted to forget everything that had happened. I wanted to go back to the old drone of my life, the way it was before it had been interrupted; but it had felt good to cry last night. I felt like there was a burden being lifted, like a new sense of peace and calm, one with myself and who I am, had taken over me. I splashed cold water on my face, hoping to refresh me and wake me up. After a while, my eyes began to return to their normal state, and I strode over to my bed, flopping down onto it. As I lay there, on the bed, I realized, I felt it. I hadn't really paid any attention to it before; the softness and bounciness of it, the smooth feel of cotton sheets, and the lumpy feeling in the stuffing of my pillow from overuse. Before, it had simply been a bed, an object meant to be slept upon.

I glanced over at my clock, and quickly realized that it was 8:00, and that my first class should be starting now. Why hadn't anyone come to make sure I was heading toward my classes. Thadelia should have come to check on me by now... I thought. I slowly realized, as I was getting dressed, that I almost missed Thadelia, but I quickly discarded the thought. There is no one I miss, and no one I need. I thought to myself, becoming more assured of the thought as I got ready. I grabbed my sweater, and left, sprinting to my first class.

None of the teachers chided me for being late, and I didn't have to worry about peer pressure or disapproval, considering I had no classmates. I got my test from two days ago back, and had an A+ on it, as expected. The day continued on, and soon enough, lunch time rolled around. I sat at my usual seat, but this time - like last time - the boy sits across from me. I glare at the bowl of soup in front of me, determined to not scare him off this time. I look up from my bowl occasionally, and catch him watching me, but he quickly drops his gaze and continues eating. We eat in an awkward silence for the majority of the lunch period, until I can't stand it anymore.

"Why did you come back?" I blurt out, almost too loud and too quick for me. This time, I hold my gaze up, and we make eye contact as he pulls his gaze up as well. There is a moment when everything around me stops. I stare into his eyes, and I suddenly realize that they're two different colors; one blue, the other green, but still very similar in color. For a moment, I am lost in his gaze, and the world around me fades.

"I um... Well, I just thought... That... That maybe you might not have meant it, or, well..." His voice fades, and he mumbles something I can't understand, his gaze returning to his food. After that, we both focus on finishing our food. A bell rings, and everyone rushes for the stairs, pouring out into the floor below, anxious for the break. I check the clock, noting that the bells are a minute and eight seconds off. As the last of the crowd begins to slip away, the boy blends in with them, until he whips around to look at me.

"Piko. Piko Utatane." He says, and before I have time to say my name, he's gone.

Utatane Piko x Reader - TrappedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя