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Gwen: I made my bed today

Samuel: *holds up sticker* one point

Gwen: I had a healthy breakfast

Samuel: *holds two more stickers* more points

Gwen: I did run a red light

Samuel: YOU DID WHAT?!


Ali: guys I have something very important to tell you, remember, if every pork chop were perfect...

Samuel: We Wouldn't have hot dogs!

Ali: who ate my fries? Ris

Ris: I don't like fries (I don't know if you do or not if you do sorry)

Ali: Yoki?

Yoki: I don't like [your] food

Ali: Mysterium? (Sorry if I spelled that wrong)

Mysterium: ...it was *name*

Samuel: —the cluster you insufferable, half-formed, traitor mega clods!

Gwen: aww you're so...cute!

Samuel: my limb enhancers! Where are my limb enhancers?!

Ali: *to Yoki* I always thought I might be bad now I know that it's true cause i think you're so good and I'm nothing like you

Samuel: I think you're all insane! But I guess I am too...anybody would be if they were stuck on Earth with you

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