Unfamiliar place and old friends

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Katie POV

I woke up in a room that was all white, and I also felt something in my arm, and I heard this repeatedly beeping sound,and people around me. I try getting up," urgh damn it my head" "well I see someone is up" "who the hell are you" "thanks for being rude but my name is Sasuke uchiha this is saukra Harano, and Naruro uzumaki" "nice to meet all" "wow are you British" saukra said sounding amazed. "why yes I am" "wow that's really cool believe it!" "thanks Naruto,but I have a question, how did I end up here,and where am I" "well your first anwser is you were knocked out by somebody and our sensei came and rescued you and brought you back here,your second answer is you are in the hidden leaf village so you will be staying here" "thanks sasuke right" he nodded. "well I think it's time for me to get out of here" "woah woah you can't leave yet" "why can't I" "the nurse said for you to rest for today then you can leave" "oh okay" I relaxed a little. "now it's time for some questions for you, where are your parents,why do you have bandages on your arms, and where did you come from" I dropped my head letting my hair fall in my face. "you first answer uchiha my parents they abused all my life so I trapped them before I left that's the while reason I ran away, your second answer why I have bandages on my arms well lets find out" I start to unwrapping my arms when I was done with both of them Naruro,saukra,and sasuke looked at my arms in fear. " I use to cut myself really deep,everyday my parents bet me or rape me I add a cut,and as you can see there a lot of times when they did that to me" I started to cry but I felt arms come around me. "huh" "don't ever do this to yourself it's not healthy" "saukra let me tell you this, what I have been through my life you just don't even know,getting raped each night,slapped across the face everyday you don't even know the half of it" saukra let go of me and looked at me with tears. "I'm so sorry for what you had to go through Katie" "don't be sorry for me, that's just how life is ya know" "what do you know about life Katie" "excuse me-" " you know nothing about about life,so what you cut yourself that's not a big deal-" "are you fucking kidding me right now I have been through fucking hell since the day I was fucking born you need to fuck off before I do it for you!" I said ripping out the IV and getting up from the hospital bed. " woah Katie sit down you shouldn't be up right now" "I don't need to take orders Naruto if this some of a bitch wants talk shit let him cause he is about to get smacked fire out of him!" "what is a weak little girl like you going to do" " that's it you asked for it!" I ran at him about to hit him but someone stopped in front of me. "Katie what are you doing out of bed" "first of as this asshole is going to tell I don't know anything about life and he doesn't know anything that has happened to me since I was fucking born!" " Kakashi sensei I tried to sit her down but sasuke over here got her mad" Naruto said explaining why I'm so pissed. "ah I see,well sasuke I advise you to get out of her before you get your head ripped off" "hn whatever I was leaving anyways" "you better leave you jerk and I hope you die in a damn ditch!" I said in a very angry tone. "I rather do that then look at your ugly face" "okay that it let me at him" before I can rip him to shreds Kakashi caught me and put me on his shoulders. I started kicking so he could put me down. "well sasuke you made her mad you three go to the training grounds I'll meet you guys there in a few" "okay sensei" all three of them left to the training grounds.(sigh) "look Katie I know your new here but you have to chill out okay I mean come on your 15 you should not be acting like that" "so I have a temper you get me mad it's off with your head" "okay you need to relax okay and the Hokaga should be coming in to see where you will be staying for now on" I nodded at him. "oh and I will have sasuke apologize to you later" "I don't need his apology I rather live with him then have a apology" I said in a sarcastic tone. "well your it's decision" I'm guess the hokaga came in. "your name is Katie right" "why yes I am" I said in a sweet innocent voice. I heard Kakashi whisper oh now she wants to be calm. I gave him a death, and he chuckled a but nervously. "Katie I have a apartment for you to stay in since there are no other apartments available" "okay that's fine" she gave me the key to the apartment. "oh you can leave now you don't have to stay here the whole day" I nodded at her. "well I'm off if you need me I'll be up in that huge tower"

( later that day )

as I was walking and looking around for the apartmeant I was supposedly staying in and then I bump into someone and I fell. "oh I'm sorry I didn't see you" "oh it's okay I'm clumsy" wait I know this voice. "Hinata is that you" she looked up at me and analyze my face to see who I am and then she remember me.Then she hugged me, "oh Katie I've missed you so much" "I've missed you too Hinata" she gave me one more of a squeeze before she let go of me. "so what are you doing here Katie" ( sigh) "well i ran away from home" (gasp) "why did you run away" she said getting up while helping me up. "well right after you moved my parents started to abuse me,and I did this to my arms" I showed her my arms and she started to cry. "katie you should never do that to yourself it's so not healthy" I put my head down letting my hair fall in my face. "why should I care what happens to me I'm just a loser" "don't think that way Katie you are not a loser you are like royalty" "yeah well I don't feel like that I feel-" I stop talking because I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned round and saw~~~~~~~~.

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