Chapter 20: The War

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"Naruto... It's you... What has happened to your eyes?" Sasuke asked.
"You remember Kurama-Sensei... Well he transferred his eyes to mine and they got sorta mixed up. They formed a new visual jutsu. The Mangekyo Rinnegan"
"I see... But do come in" he opened the door even more and let us in.
Hinata and I stepped in, took our shoes off and he guided us to the kitchen.
"You are just in time. Sakura's cooking is to die for" he said.
"If she can reach the same level as my mother then I'll be impressed" I giggled. "Wait are you and Sakura dating?" Hinata giggled.
Both Sasuke and Sakura started blushing.
"Well I wouldn't call it dating" Sakura said. "We are more like seeing each other"

Both Hinata and I smiled. We looked at each other.
"Sasuke, Sakura, we have something to say to you two..." Hinata started.
"Hinata and I are getting married" I said smiling.
"But that's not all. We are going to be parents"
Sasuke widened his eyes. Sakura turned around.
"Are you two serious?!" They said.
"I wouldn't be joking if I wanted to" I put my hand on top of Hinata's hand.

"Well it's about time" Sakura said. "How long have you two been together?"
"Well I would say 4 years now..." Hinata said.
I froze up. 4 years, that was a lot. The relationship with Hinata I remember... We had only been together for 1 year. But ah well, shit, didn't think about the other consequences,
I scratched the back of my head and smiled.
"Well I guess it must be" was all I could think of. "Oh by the way. You know Kurama-Sensei?"
"Yeah? What about him?" Sakura asked.
"He died a year or two ago, protecting the village with his life"
Sasuke looked down at the table. Sakura sat down at the table.
"He died valuing the peace treaty with hidden mist more than his own life" Sasuke looked up again.
"I don't get it, how can a ninja as strong as him die so easily? Did he die an honorable death?" He asked activating his sharingan.
"Yes a very honorable death" I said.
"Well let's change the subject" Hinata smiled. "I want to know more about you two"
"Well we did start dating a while ago but we kept it secret. And then we decided to move in together and here we are" Sasuke said.

We ate and conversed about different things. When the meal was all finished I complimented Sakura for her amazing cooking. But it didn't really match up to my mothers though. We heard a knock on the door. Sasuke went to open. His reaction when he came back was hysterical. He pointed towards the door. I stood up and walked towards the door. Dad was standing at the door looking very serious.
"Minato... I mean dad. What brings you here?"
"Naruto... We are at war..." Then he disappeared.
I walked back in again. I must have looked hilarious. They were all smiling at me.
"What did lord fourth want?" Sasuke said. The moment that I had feared would come had arrived.
"This is going to sound crazy... But we are at war" I looked up with my eyes activating the Mangekyo Rinnegan.

"But that's insane" they said. "We haven't been at war in over 20 years. Why now?
"Because the hidden leaf started forming alliances with two of the great nations. All other hidden villages are doing the same. But against us"
"Now if you excuse me, I must get Hinata to safety. I can't risk losing her"
I put my hands on her shoulders. She stood up and closed her eyes. She knew that I was going to teleport. I closed my right eye.
"Sasuke, Sakura, meet me in my office at 12:00 am tomorrow"
They both nodded. I closed my left eye and we teleported.

"Lady Hinata" it was Nej, Hinata's cousin. "Where have you been?"
"Neji. I've been with Naruto" she said.
"Oh it's okay then, I know Naruto would give his life to protect you"
"Neji was there something important you wanted to say?"
"Yes, father has been looking for you. It's urgent"
"Neji. We are at war. I think Hinata's rest is more important" I said.
"Sorry Hokage-sama"
"No need to apologies. I can talk to Hiashi if needed"

Neji led me to Hiashi. Hiashi was said to be one of the strongest Hyuuga. I didn't believe it for one second. Hinata was the strongest Hyuuga and I had trained her myself. I knew the gentle fist technique but I couldn't locate the chakra points, seeing as I don't have the Byakugan. But it's not as I was going to fight him.

"Naruto... Perfect timing" Hiashi said. "Well Naruto. Fight me"
"Huh?" I asked. "I can't fight you. Your Hinatas father."
"And that's exactly why you are going to fight me"
"No way. She will never forgive me if I would hurt you"
"No it will be fine. I'm challenging you remember" he stood up. He went outside and went in to gentle fist stance. I copied his stance.
"Byakugan!" He exclaimed.
"Mangekyo Rinnegan"

Neji was watching us from afar. He saw that this wasn't going to end well. Hiashi charged towards me. I had to wait for the exact precise moment. He was almost touching me.
"Rotation!" I spun around creating a dome of chakra.
"Now your turn. Throw everything you've got against me"
"No that will kill you"
"Nothing can kill the strongest of the Hyuuga"
"I could easily kill you. I am holding back nearly everything I've got"
"Try me. Defeat me in five seconds if you think you can kill me"
"Sure" I threw the kunai towards him. He dodged it, which was what I was hoping for.
I transported and put my finger on his chest. He tumbled backwards.

"Okay I believe you, you're good" he said. "Let's see how well you fare against me in close combat" he started running towards me. I ran towards him. I charged the rasengan. He was getting close. I discharged the rasengan. He looked confused. I had caught his attention. I started weaving signs for mud wall. I put my hands down on the ground and a wall came up. When he broke through the wall he was surprised to find nobody there. I hit him in the back and he fell forwards. He was on his knees. He was coughing blood. I reached out my arm. He grabbed it and I pulled him up.
"Well it's safe to say that you can protect my daughter" he said panting.
"Of course. I love her"
"I know Hinata loves you. That's why I got you to fight me. To see if you were worth my blessing"
"Hiashi... In my title as Hokage I shall protect her with my life... And our daughter too"
"Daughter...? What are you talking about boy?"
"I'm saying you are going to be a grand-father. Hinata's pregnant"
There was no reply. He was puzzled, he was in his own world.

I really needed to get back. But I didn't want to leave Hiashi looking completely clueless either.
"Hiashi... I need to get back to Hinata" I said.
"Wait a minute son" he got up. "Are you saying that you and Hinata are having a child together?"
"Yes and I have to get back to her right now. She is going to be worried sick if I don't return"
"Go ahead then son. Go to Hinata and see to that she is safe"
"Of course and may I ask something?"
"What is it son?"
"Your daughter's hand in marriage"
"That choice is not mine"
"But do you approve?"
"Of course I do. My daughter must be happy. And if she is happy with you then so be it"

"Hinata. I'm back"
"Naruto-kun. What did you discuss?"
"Not much. He challenged me to a fight and then I won and asked him if he approved of our marriage"
"What did he say?"
"He said that it wasn't his marriage to approve. Meaning it was your choice"
She smiled. She must have liked the answer I gave her.

My office was big and was nearly completely empty. I had a while before Sakura, Sasuke and a few others came. So I decided to pimp the place up a bit. I went in to the storage to see if there was anything nice I could use. A sofa, a fancy lamp, some tables, some vases and a coat hanger. I had to teleport multiple times to get everything into the room. As soon as I had gotten everything in place I had to go to the flower shop. This time around I would walk.
The door bell rang as I walked in. The florist looked up.
"Well if it isn't the number one ninja Naruto" that voice was so familiar. Could it be?
"Yeah that's me. Ino I pressume?" I smiled
"Well the Hokage knows my name. I'm flattered"
"Which flowers do you recommend for gloomy places like my office?"
"It depends on what you like really"
"I like Hinata-chan. So a dark blue flower that is beautiful and amazes one at the same time"
"Oh I see someone has a crush. Oh la la"
"She's not my crush... She is my future wife"

"Well I think lavender and blue orchids would do the trick"
"Great then I'll choose those two"
"One moment" she got out from behind the counter. After a short while she came back carrying two pots with flowers.
"Here ya go" she said cheery. My eyes spotted a pink rose.
"I think I'll take that pink rose as well"
"Sure. That will be 200 yen"
I picked up Gama my purse and took out the money. She took the money off the counter. I started walking out with the flowers in my hand. I was so merry. I quickly teleported to my office and placed the orchids on the small table next to the sofa. The smell of the flowers spread throughout the room. I took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled. I heard knocks on the door.

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