A Hint..?[Edited]

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"Oi! Kid what are you doing here? Didn't you see the police tape?! Get outta here!" A random police officer yelled. You were surprised. Another 'kind' looking officer walked up to you and pushed you out the door.

"Kid, if you come back in here, we will have no choice but to choose you as a crime suspect.. we wouldn't like that would we..?" You hesitantly nodded bringing the officer to put a smile on his face while your face was darker than any shadow.

"Well then...why don't you go ahead? Or.. would you like to give us a hand?" That brought you a bright smile for a moment. 'If I can help these cops I might find Liu! And if he gets foun-' Your face turned dark again. 'If I help them...Liu will get arrested..and he might not like me...and....' Your face got darker each second it eventually scared the poor officer.

"U-Uh...you alright k-kid..?" You sadly smiled while refusing his friendly request. You glanced back at the room and headed outside to where the swarms of reporters were waiting outside.

You walked down the road which led you to your house. The sun was setting as somehow you felt warm but felt as if there was someone's eyes were on you. You turned around as if expecting someone to be there but surprise! No one was there. The only thing that was in front of you were the empty streets. You looked around the almost deserted town.

You turned back around only to go a few steps forward and feeling the same irritating feeling that sent chills down your spine. You turn back around to see the same empty and deserted town.

"H-hello..?" You manage to squeak out. Your house was only a few blocks away but you were already terrified of what could happen if you ran. Since you were terrible at P.E(except when you're heading towards the hospital) you knew you couldn't escape when the somewhat stalker tried to catch you.

Terrified of that thought you turn back around and set your bag down on the ground and opened it to take out a razor-sharp scissor. 'At least I need something to guard myself with..' you thought as you approached your house.

You shoved your hand into your pocket to take out the key to the front door. You shoved the key into the hole and twisted it, unlocking the door. You franticly opened the door, worried that the person staring daggers at you might just be behind you. You opened your house to see your once tidy and clean house has turned into a...

I'm sorry I haven't been updating much...
So I might be slowly updating the story!
And it might be an encouraging if you would comment on the story since.. it's kind of.. silent.?

Stitched up Heart(Homicidal Liu x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant