Chapter: 1 FEAR

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The halls were dark as I made my way forward. The light was still coming as I slowly walk towards the dark brown wooden door. I didnt make a noise as I dont want the creature to get disturbed. I know that for days that someone is living in our house or I can say my house. Im living alone in this house for nearly three years.

My parents died in a car crash when I was 15. I was also in the car but I dont remember that much as I got so injured in the accident. After two or three months, I came home and the house was so empty for me. The furniture was weeping like they were begging for someone to use them. The walls were also looking so sad as they were missed to be hear the laughter and funny jokes my dad made.

I came back in present from the sudden light that blinds me for a second. The door was slightly opened. I could see through it. He was there, sitting at the chair with a laptop in front of him. He was probably working again.

Now I know that you are wondering who is he??? Well he is my guardian or my saver. He is just like an angel who always come at the time I need someone the most. He is the ONE!!!

I opened the door and walked in. He was still working as if he didnt notice me. I sat down at the abundant chair and crossed my arms, tilted my head slightly on the right side so that I can see him. Jessica called me.. she was asking if I have found you or not, so she can help me. Im actually talking to you I said, the scent of irritation could be clearly smelled from my words. He remained in his same gesture. Like woahhh.. Im talking to walls for past five minutes

Im blessed with two beautiful ears and from my information, ears are the part of our body which we use to hear any type of voice and to listen any girl its all for the day! he mentioned with a blank look on his face. I nearly gave the longest stare of the century. I was also thinking that it has to be noted in the Guiness world record. But then his words hit my face. He was insulting me! .... FRIDGE!!!!

Tell her, you havent found me yet. He turned around to face me as my facial expressions got confused. Why would I lie to her? Because Im saying you to .. his tone had that impact which made me to shut my mouth close. Ok!.. I said which come out mostly as a whisper. Im not gonna tell her!

I came back in my bedroom. My phone was placed at the side table. I couldnt decide .. whether to tell her or not. I was one hundred percent sure that shell ask me again and I didnt want to lie to her so the best idea I got is to change the subject. But .. No more buts!!

I unlocked my mobile to see the notification bar being empty. It was not a new thing. As Im not that social person so its usual to have an empty notification bar. I opened the inbox to see the last conversation between me and Jessica. And as usual, the last messages were all those bad jokes about the girls or PLASTICS in high school. Ugh High School!!!

Jessica is my best friend for past thirteen years. She is always with me when I need her the most. Most of her habits are same thats why were best friends. And now for past two weeks Im continuously lying to her about my saver. Hes telling me that not to tell Jessica thing for past two weeks.

My head hurts by the tornado of thoughts in my mind. It was not about not to tell Jessica thing, it was the confusion that why he didnt want me to tell her. Was he wanting his privacy or theres something else about it? . All of my thoughts had that question mark at the end of them. Why??

I fell down on my bed. Unlocking the phone again, I opened the call log. Jessica name was at the top. Clicking on the name, I attached the phone to my ear. The ringing can be heard so the bell was going on the other side. I breathed heavily and the call picks up.

No matter what! Im gonna tell her.


Hello!! Jessicas voice came from the other side. I breathed heavily. I wasnt deciding, telling her is good or not. If Hes telling me not to tell her than it may has something behind. Is it wrong? Hi I finally replied her. What happened? Why have you answered me so late? Is everything alright? its like so many questions shot on me at the same time.

Thats the thing I was worried of. Shell never leave me alone. Nothing happened. I was thinking. Yeah, everything is alright. I also gave the answers in the que of her questions. Although, my mind was still stuck between yes or no for not to tell Jessica thing. What am I supposed to do???

Just dont tell her!! The decision became final. Well, that was easy .. And then the reality hit me .. I was on the call with her. Why had I called her?? And then the second thing hit me. Jessica has ended the call. OH NO!!!!

I quickly got up from my bed. Changing in better clothes, I made my way outside the house. Oddly, I didnt have the car also. So, I took out my cycle which I use to go somewhere and made my way to Jessicas house. My sixth sense was giving me the signal of something wrong. Jessica doesnt end my call like this.

I motion my feet on the pedals fast. My face had drops of sweats and my breathing wasnt normal. What if something bad will happened?? The horror and fear increased much more, the second those type of thoughts cover up my brain. Finally, I saw her house. The light was off. The whole street was jet black. I could only see through the torch light, I had fixed in the basket in front of the cycle.

I stopped in front of her house. I remembered she told me that her parents are out of country. I took out her door keys from the plant pot beside the main door. I inserted the key in the key hole (As everything is in slow motion, so yeah!) and tilted it on the right side. Click!! The door opened. Opening a door, a little, I placed my foot inside. And the complete darkness welcomed me.

I entered inside and close the door behind me. Jessica!! I called her. Walking slowly to the stairs. Not a creek heard as an answer for my call. Where is she?? I step on the stairs and climbed two in one time. I was at the verge of freaking out. What if shes not alright? I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. I climbed the last set of stairs. Her bedroom was at the right side. My eyes laid on the small whole on her door. The lights were off. My heart was thumping loudly in my chest.

The scenarios of something bad happened with Jessica clouded my mind. I knocked at her door three times but there was no answer from the other side. I tried to send the horror away but no progress. I pushed at the door and it opened wide. My eyes wide opened. Jessica never leave her bedroom door unlocked! I entered in her room and it was dark as black night.

I took my hand to right side of the wall for turning on the light switch at the switchboard. My hand finally reached the switch. I turned on the lights and an empty room greeted me. I ran towards the bathroom and still there was no sign of her. And it was when something caught my eye, the bath tub. I walked towards it and with shaking hands, I moved the tub curtain aside.

My breath knocked out of my lungs the moment I saw it. My throat got dry. I took two steps backwards. Covering my mouth with a right hand, I stopped my scream from coming out. Everything got still. because of the thing I saw. It was none other than the blood covering


Jessicas dead body!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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