We Are Young - A Harry Potter Love Story

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Chapter 1

The Burrow was full of laughter and fun, the Weasley's plus Harry and Hermione were crowded around the kitchen table full of Christmas spirit. The party was in full swing with some muggle music playing in the background. Hermione was sandwiched in between Harry and Ron, her breath being squeezed out of her, they had both grown over the summer, in more ways than one. Harry had finally had his growth spurt and was nearly as tall as Fred and George; he had also became more muscular which you could easily define through his shirt. Ron also had become more muscular, with the help of Qudditch and extra training with Harry.

The summer had been great for Hermione, she had spent more of her time with Ron, they went on dates to the park and moonlight strolls. He had been the most caring and sweetest guy Hermione had ever dated. Ron had catered to her every need and she knew that she loved him with all of her heart. But little did she know that, that was all about to change.

There was a sudden pop in the back garden and the 8 figures all froze in place, it had been over 2 years that Voldemort had been defeated and there were a few Death Eaters still in hiding but the Ministry were close to finding him."Fred,George and Bill. Come with me..Everyone else stay here and have your wands with you"The 3 older brothers took out their wands and followed their Father out into the dark night,there was hardly a movement made as they all waited for some signal of such.But nothing came.A loud booming laugh echoed throughout the house and then Fred,George,Bill and their father all walked through the threshold once more.Although they weren't alone.

They were now followed by a hooded figure,Hermione's hand clenched tightly on her wand as if the intruder would attack at any moment."Arthur? What's going on"Molly looked at her husband worriedly and then back at the figure,"Don't worry Mum.It's only me"Charlie Weasley lowered his hood and a dazzling grin illuminuted his face.It took a few moments but there were squeals of delight from Ginny and Molly as they rushed forward to give the last Weasley brother a giant hug.

Hermione's breath caught in her throat as she studied the shortest Weasley brother,his arms were chizzled to perfection.His muscles were evident through the white shirt he had on.Charlie had the sleeves rolled up and when the light hit them Hermione saw the burns being reflected.But the burns had healed perfectly and now contrasted with his perfectly toned skin,she had only ever met Charlie once and that was at the Quidditch World Cup a few years ago.He had definately changed....for the greater good. Hermione had hardly noticed that all of the Weasley's had greeted their brother and now they were parting.Charlie's eyes looked around the room and his gaze locked with Herimione's.She felt her breath hitch in her throat again as his dazzling grin returned to his face.

"And who do we have here?"Charlie gave a husky,chuckle which made Hermione go weak at the knees."Oh! Charlie? Don't you remember the one and only Miss.Hermione Granger"Fred chuckled to himself earning a glare from Hermione.Charlie and Hermione shared a few intimate moments back at the World Cup but it was no surprise that he had forgot.He was working with freakin' dragons after all! "Hermione?! Is that really you?"Charlie's already dazzling smile hit a 250 kilowatt smile,just melting her heart altogether."It's great to see you again Mione"He grinned and pulled her into a bear hug.Hermione let out a small laugh as she carefully wrapped her arms around his neck.She took a deep breath and breathed in his cologne,he smelled of vanilla and chocolate with a hint of...pine.Strange.She had never smelt that concotion before.

"It's great to see you too Charlie"Hermione was surprised that she found her voice at all,she hardly managed to breath around the man let alone talk.Charlie pulled away to peck her cheek,causing Hermione to go a very bright shade of scarlett.There were booming laughs all around the kitchen as the Weasley's noticed Hermione's blush.She looked down feeling self conscious all of a sudden,Charlie chuckled and looked at his family."Let's leave the pretty girl alone.She's already had enough torture for one night,am I right?"

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