Chapter 2 - Sweet Revenge

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"Ohhh..I am so happy for you Charlie! You finally found someone special for you" grinned and hugged her second eldest son and then grabbing Hermione in a tight,bear breath was knocked out of her and now she knew where the boys got their strength."T-Thank you "She smiled nervously and shot a glare at Charlie who just winked and grinned


Chapter 2:

Hermione stormed upstairs,positivetly furious with Charlie Weasley."How could he do that? Lying to his own mother!"Ginny peered over her book to gaze at her best friend,wow...Hermione was seriously spitting steam."'Mione? You okay?"Ginny put her book down gingerly.Hermione turned to Ginny,looking at her in surprise,all she wanted to do was vent and she hadn't even checked if the room was clear yet. "No I am not okay! Your insane Dragon tamer of a brother decided to lie to your Mother for the most unfathomable reason! He said we were dating! Dating! Me and Charlie Weasley dating! In the name of merlin's left behind"Ginny blinked and stared at her,Charlie must have really put her in the mood because Hermione would never say anything like that.

"What exactly did he do 'Mione?"Hermione looked sadly at her best friend and sat down to tell her the story.It took Hermione a total of an hour to tell Ginny the story because she kept on cussing and swearing that she would hex Charlie into oblivion.Meanwhile,what Hermione didn't know was that Ginny agreed to let the Twins bug the room with their Extendable Ears,and as of right now,in the room right above Ginny's.The Twins and Charlie were on the floor,cluthing their sides with laughter. "Wow,Char! You really got her good"Fred high fived his favourite brother and continued to listen."I know! Who knew this would be her reaction"Charlie laughed loudly and wiped tears from his eyes."We definately have to keep this going for as long as possible" Fred and George nodded,then without warning they got an evil glint in their eyes."Oh no! That look is not good"Charlie licked his lips nervously.

Whenever the twins got that look in their eyes nothing good ever came out of it.They both just grinned at him like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Don't worry Charlie boy"

"We won't make 'Mione...."

"Hate you,she'll..."

"Love you in the end,that is our..."


And with a loud pop the twins had apparated,Charlie shook his head he knew nothing good was going to come out of this situation.Meanwhile upstairs Hermione and Ginny were plotting revenge against said brother,they just knew how to get him good."So,that's the plan?"Ginny's face lit up with excitment as Hermione nodded,"Charlie is never going to know what's hit him"Hermione grinned,"We'll go shopping Diagon Alley tomorrow around noon and we have to make sure to be back by 5pm." Ginny nodded once more and they climbed into their beds.

"Charlie is never going to know what he's got himself into"Hermione grinned as she stared up at the ceiling,soon enough the sound of Ginny snoring broke the silence.Hermione glanced over at her best friend and then climbed out of bed,taking the time now to go to the bathroom before the boys came back up. Just as she turned round from closing the door who did she manage to bump into? None other than Charlie.

"Speak of the devil"Charlie smirked,a twinkle in his eyes,Hermione had to be careful...that was his mischevious look."Charlie"she gave him a curt nod before swaying past him to go to the bathroom,"Have I done something wrong 'Mione?"Charlie bit back his laughter as he leaned against the wall,studying her firm but plump bottom."Yes you have Charlie.You have to lied to your Mother and you have insulted my intelligance and for that..I'm not speaking to you"she smirked."You're talking to me now"Charlie grinned,showing all his teeth.Hermione had begun walking back to the bathroom but not before making a very rude gesture at the tousled hair Weasley,just as she closed the door she caught his expression and let out a booming laugh.

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