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 "Hey Luna, BTS has a new video up." I sat up on the bed and looked over to my best friend Samantha who was sitting at her computer desk. "Really?" She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't lie Luna." I quickly got up and went over to her and her computer. I sat down in the chair with her and she started playing the video named Go Go. I was in awe as they sang and danced across the stage.

"That was truly amazing." I said breathlessly. "I'm happy you got me into BTS. I don't think I would have ever found this art on my own." Samantha said spinning in her chair Getting up from the chair we shared I sat back on the bed and grabbed a pillow. "Man, I wish I could meet Tae. He is just too sexy to believe." Samantha said as she came and sat next to me. "Well, I was going to wait to give you theses on your birthday next week but, I feel that now is the right time." Pulling my bookbag up onto the bed I dig inside and pulled out the three tickets and backstage passes. Samantha gasped and pulled them out of my hands "When did you get these and how? I know they costed you an arm and a leg to get three of them." I smiled triumphantly and took them back from her. "I was able to call in a favor to one of my friends that work at the stadium that BTS is preforming at next week in New York." Pulling me into a hug she started crying. "This is the best day of my life. I have been a fan since debut along with you." She let go of me and went back to her computer to play I Need U and started dancing around the room. I got up and danced along with her.

When the song was done we, both laid on the bed and looked at each other. "So, when do we leave for the concert?" Sam asked out of breath. "Well we leave next Wednesday since the concert is Friday and it also gives us time to look around." We had to leave early in the morning to drive for fourteen hours to get to New York. She got up and went back to the computer. "What are you looking up?" She turned the computer towards me and I sat up. It showed places to visit while in New York and I unintentionally rolling my eyes I laid back down. "Can we not do that, I would rather go shopping for a whole day rather than visiting all those days." She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Well that's out of the window now. Who is the third person who is going with us?' Sitting up I shrugged my shoulder. "Don't know yet, just waiting to see who is available to go with us." She gave the puppy dog eyes meaning she wanted me to do something. "Can my brother go with us please? He got in trouble in school and my mother wanted me to take him with me where ever I go for the next two weeks."

Letting out a deep sigh and got up. "Sam, you know how much I don't like your brother. He keeps hitting on me every time I come around and it's so annoying." He has been doing it since I graduated two years ago and I absolutely am tired of it. "I know Luna but, he has to come with us." I know I will regret my answer but, I got these tickets for us to enjoy ourselves. "Fine, but if he makes one move on me once we get in New York he will be kicked out of the room and will be roaming the streets by his self." She smiled and gave me a hug. "Thanks Luna I owe you one." I said my goodbyes and left to go back to my apartment that was nearby. I was so happy I finally could attend a BTS concert what was a once in a life time chance. Finally, I get to see my bias dance and sing in person.

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