Chapter 2

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   "Stay in the room Drew, if you leave you better hope that you are back before us or so help god." Sam said as we stood at the door. Drew nodded "You left me here with food and TV so I'm fine." She closed the door and turned to me with a smile on his face. "Let's go get some drinks." We got in the elevator and went to the bar that was inside the hotel. "So, if one of us leaves with someone we will signal each other okay." Sam said as we walked farther into the bar. I pulled the dress she bought me farther down and she groaned. "Don't pull it down, try and find someone tonight. Maybe you will loosen up a little." Rolling my eyes, I sat down on the first empty stool I saw and ordered my drink.

After talking and drinking Sam finally sent me the signal that she was leaving with someone. The guy she was walking off with wasn't even that cute but she was too drunk to even notice. I ordered a drink and after downing it someone came and sat down next to me. He ordered him a drink and turned towards me. His face was so blurry up close that I couldn't tell who he was. "Hey, looks like you had one to many drinks." He didn't sound like he spoke perfect English but I understood what he said. "Well it looks like you haven't had enough." He laughed a little which made me smile. I was about to order another drink before he stopped me. "Can she have a water please?" The bar tender nodded and brought over a glass of water and sat it down in front of me. "Drink." Rolling my eyes, I reluctantly picked it up and sipped some. We had small conversations and he decided to let me drink again as we talked.

Waking up from the sound of my alarm on my phone I opened my eyes and noticed I wasn't in my own hotel room. I looked around and noticed that I was in the room alone. I lifted the covers and saw that I was in the same dress from last night. Sitting up I kicked my legs over the bed and grabbed my shoes and phone and left out of the room heading to my own. Once there I knocked on the door since Sam had the room key. Andrew opened the door and he looked a hot mess. "Dang Luna you look tore up. Where's Sam?" He said groggily. Pushing my way in I went to my bed and plopped down on it. "She went with some dude to his room last night." He laid back on his bed and went under his covers. I did the same and just as I was about to close my eyes the door opened. Sam came in and she looked worse than I did, her hair was all over the place and she was carrying all her things in her hands. She looked at me and slowly walked over and laid down. "I had a good time last night Luna." Once she said that I knew just what she was talking about. Checking the time, I instantly groaned, I was hoping to get a quick nap before heading to the place where BTS were performing. "Come on guys we got to get ready to go." I pushed on Sam but, she was already asleep, I looked over at Andrew and he was back asleep to. Letting out a sigh I got up and went to wash up and get dress so we could get ready to go. Once I was dressed and ready Andrew got up and did the same but much slower. "Sam, get up me and Andrew are ready it's your turn." She groaned but still didn't move. Pushing her out of the bed she got up angry "Fine I'm up." She marched off and got dress as quickly as she could so we could finally leave.

Once down to the lobby of the hotel we heard a bunch of screaming girls and people yelling telling them to step back. I noticed that one girl was holding up a BTS sign and I gasped. We were staying in the same hotel as our idols.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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