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" crap, we have to much fire on us, what do we do Jordan?" Yelled Ashely. " we ethier fight back or fall back so I say we start acting like we want to get our family back so let's flack them from the right and left, me and Austin will go for the right side and you and Tyler go left and take out the gunners and snipers in 10." Jordan said. 6 years before, " we will rule the world and no one can stop us not even the U.S military can." Kim jun un said " oh please that's not true so who---."," this is breaking news North Korean troops are attacking New York, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. So far more troops are coming to the Midwest like Greene and Lafayette county and spread out from there, so if you are inside you need to get protected and defend your country." Said the ky3 News anchor." Get guns and ammo now shotguns, rifles, anything that can help, NOW, GO, GO, GO!"

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