Chapter 2

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I feel as if I had been awaken from a deep sleep and back to the realization that maybe I am afraid of something after all, well I mean besides water. But this was different, this was more of an emotional side which I don't show to anyone often. I never truly cried in front of my friends or anyone for that matter. But that all ended when I sobbed on his shoulder, Shadow's shoulder. Out of all the ones that I had known in my life, I never thought I'd show a moment of vulnerability in front of Shadow, I mean, especially Shadow.

I've known him as this dark character who was always so mysterious and he was so difficult to figure out, I remember seeing him and thinking that even though he was this aggressive and dangerous with someone of his nature....he was still very heartbroken inside. I mean he lost everything, he lost Maria, the one that he loved, and his whole story was a big confusing deep hole of darkness and misery. If I was him, it would be hard living everyday of my life knowing that I lost all the things I cared about.

After hearing about Shadow's story, I've been afraid to love and care about others the same way. I thought that if I loved or cared about someone long enough, one day...they won't be around anymore, like what happened with Maria. I thought that if one day I committed to Tails with the whole brotherly love thing, the very next day he would be taken away from me.

Anyways, after crying like a pathetic baby for a while I let go of Shadow and wiped my tears away. I somehow got the confidence to look him in the eye with a straight face. "Why are you doing this, why do you care about my feelings towards everyone?" I asked him. He looked down and gave a low sigh before looking back at me. "Well your friends weren't going to stand up and tell you so I figured I would, because unlike them...I actually care..." He turned around and walked off without saying another word. I watched him and started second guessing everything that I've ever done. He was nice to me for once and not just because the world was about to end and that we had to work together, this time he actually was empathetic, my heart almost melted when he said that he cared.

He instantly was able to read me like a book and know all my exact problems, while me on the other hand, I was confused about his personality, he's so mysterious to me, I can't get it out of my head. His words got to me and took me by surprise very quickly. I finally walked off from the city not being able to take the shining lights in my face.


Don't start fangirling now it's not like I have any of those special feelings for him, I just care about him in ways that not even I can explain. It's hard but seeing him hide his true self both worries me and scares me for some reason. How come I'm the only one who can see it? His friends either don't care or they're just too blind to notice his ways at all. No way that he can be that happy and excited all the time. I never meant to make him cry, but it seems as if I cracked open his shell that hid the emotions he was keeping away from everyone. I can never look at him the same way that I did before. He needed help with it or one day he would probably just lose it. I guess I could be the one who stands with him, to help him out with these emotions. But then again, even though I do have a care for him, he did need the wake up call for his little problem. With his friends not even noticing this at all, I can just imagine how messed up he could have ended up if I wasn't there to say it.


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