The BloodBath

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The platform beneath me began to elevate. I clenched my hands into fists as I reached the top of my podium. The shining light made my eyes squint, before seeing my view slowly clear up around me. Crisp air was the first thing I felt as I jerked my head, seeing as all the other 23 tributes stand at their podiums, waiting for the minute lasting countdown to begin.

All 24 podiums were positioned in a sort of curved line, a few meters
away from the cornucopia. I breathed in the fresh air, as I took a slight glance to try spotting the other careers I originally allied with. Ally, the girl from district 1 was about six podiums away from my right. She met my quick gaze, giving a slight nod.

I looked up at the clock that was constructed with a hollow the gamemakers set up as the countdown began from 60, slowly decreasing. I focused strictly on the cornucopia, feeling fear build up inside of me. I haven't thought much about my game plan, it wasn't too necessary. I needed a bow and quiver, that's all.

As I tilted my chin up to look back at the clock, only 30 seconds remained. I looked beyond the cornucopia, seeing one of the other careers. Her name was Beatrice, she had long black locks, bright green eyes. She was seventeen. She gave me a slight smirk, followed with a nod. I knew that Ally has definitely been speaking to the other careers about the alliance.

Ten second were on the clock.

I looked back at the cornucopia, scanning the supplies with excitement in my eyes. I felt chills run down my spine, increasing my own bloodstream. I took a few deep breaths as I counted the seconds remaining in my head.

Five seconds were on the clock.

I got ready to slip off my podium and sprint to the middle. The last few seconds remaining made me feel as if they lasted forever. I felt a drop of sweat run down my forehead. I simply rubbed it away as it reached my cheek.

Finally before the start of the games, the sound of the head gamemaker echoed across the field.

"Let the 125th annual Hunger Games begin, May the odds be ever in your favour!"

The announcement ended with a loud horn sound.

Without a sight, I darted off my podium, just like the other tributes. It was almost as if we all got off at the same time. I picked up my pace at the sight of a silver bow, along with an arrow filled quiver that rested on a supply crate.

I approached the bow with a sprint, quickly snatching it. I retrieved the quiver, pulling it over my shoulders to rest on my back, the strap resting on my upper torso. The loud screaming and crying from other tributes made me alerted. I grabbed an arrow, loading it in the bow and pulled it back as I spotted the boy from district 9 retrieve an axe nearby.

Quickly, I tossed a few backpacks towards the horn of the cornucopia. The male turned towards me before going off in a full sprint. I aimed the arrow straight to his chest as it would normally be a one shot death. By my surprise, it released, the head of the arrow going right towards his heart. I gritted my teeth as I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I turned around fully, my back towards the body of the district 9 male, seeing the girl from 5.

I winced as I pulled out a dagger from my left arm. I shot an arrow in her leg, which could end her life if she bled to death. After that quick moment, the tribute was gone. She ran off, far away from the cornucopia. I heard a voice behind me call out

    "Alex look out!" The voice, it sounded familiar. It was Ally from district 1. She stepped out of the inside of the cornucopia, throwing a knife in a tributes back. It happened too quickly to keep up with.

    "Ally!" I shouted in reply as I applied pressure on my wounded arm. She approached me, removing the bloody knife from the tributes back. "Geez, what the hell happened to you?". Her eyes widened as she looked at the wound. "District 5 female". I mumbled. "After I shot her in the leg, she darted off into the forest".

   "The others are just gathering supplies, we should go help out". Ally added, walking back towards a few supply crates. I gave a slight nod, following her steps behind her. Shortly after, we spotted the others. Both boys from our districts and the girl from 4.

"Did you guys kill anyone?". Ally spoke sternly as she kept her eyes focused on the other careers. "The boy from 12". Blake, the boy from my district blurted out. "I stabbed the girl from 6". Beatrice added. Ally gave her eyes a roll. "Okay, I guess we all at least killed someone". She mumbled under her breath.

   "Did you guys find any useful supplies, at least medical supplies?". I asked, changing the whole killing subject.

"Easy there princess, we're looking". I heard the familiar voice of Mason call out. "If we don't find a first aid kit, we can always scout out for a water source to try cleaning the wound. Besides, I can try getting some food". Beatrice suggested.

   Her idea made sense to me. It was almost as if we can use the saying "killing two birds with one stone". Getting my cut cleaned up, and a possibility of having some food.

"We'll be setting our camp here, it's better off that way. Starting tomorrow we'll take turns going hunting. Whoever stays back must guard the supplies and extra weapons incase for a planned attack". Blake announced, as he fiddled with his swords.

"We're just gonna wait here? Do nothing all day? I'm not up to that". I grunted. "What else is there to do anyway? It's not like any other tribute would dare come by". Beatrice replied as she retrieved some fishing net.

"I'm just saying we should do something more productive, don't you think?"

"We gotta settle ourselves first. After that, we can figure out something".

Our conversation was interrupted by on going cannon shots, signalling the fallen tributes. After the cannons reached 8, it faded off. 8 tributes dead. There was still 16 of us alive, 11 minus the career pack.

   "The sun's going down, we should get some rest". Ally muttered, looking up at the sky. "Who will take the first watch?". I asked, looking around the cornucopia. "I guess I will". Blake volunteered.

    The rest of us went to towards the inside of the cornucopia, seeing many weapons and supplies. After searching for sleeping bags, we unravelled them and got cozy to try getting a bit of sleep.

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