J Nice - No. 1

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We promise that even after a long time we'll still be here, so please be here.

Please stay here with us until the end.

Let's see what forever is, let's continue on to shine, and let's wish our hearts good luck.

Together, we will find the lucky clover once again.

"Good evening, ladies... gents... and beyond, the night is long and here we are," a gentle but deep voice spoke as the radio show continues, "Place your headphones in, raise your volumes up. Together we will write a story hidden in between the lines of our songs. Welcome to 86.13 Cloveradio, I'm your host DJ Junyuxi," he presses a button gracefully before taking a sip of his favourite brewed coffee.

"So, what's your song request for tonight?"

The DJ grabbed one of the small paper rolls that were inside a fish bowl on his desk. Some are green, some are blue, and some are red.

"One of our listeners, hidden in the name of J Nice, has requested Kobasolo and Lefty Hand Cream's No. 1," he glanced at the opened green scroll that he had placed on the table.

"So here it is, J nice's No.1. Enjoy my dear clovers."

He pressed play and soon the music starts.

P R E S S  P L A Y

Here we go again.

Today is another day on this battlefield called Earth.

And here I am, trying to step outside for the first time in a while. I shit you not, I feel like I was Neil Armstrong taking my first step on the moon.

I clutched the list of groceries that my mother gave me and stashed it hastily into the pockets of my shorts. I grabbed my worn-out shoes to wear them, but alas I noticed that my feet are riddled with blisters.

This is what you get for not wearing socks. Well, I don't own one. So yep... sucks to be me.

I hope that I'll be able to buy one later. These shoes are killing me.

I went off to the streets and exposed myself under the blazing hot summer. I made my way to the city, all while occasionally stopping from time to time to check if my feet are still a-ok.

"Watch ouuut!" someone shouted.

By instinct, I glanced at where the voice came from and a few seconds later... I found myself lying on the toasty pavements of this street—clutching my stomach in pain.

A bike was lying down near me. And a few inches away, there is this boy, who's probably the driver of that darn bike. 

Luckily, it was only his bike's handle that had hit me right on the stomach. I think he had swerved his bike away at the last minute to prevent it from fully crashing on me. 

"Are you okay?" a weakened voice spoke as I continued on massaging the part of my stomach that got hit by the bike. I closed my eyes for a second and just concentrated on trying to ignore the pain, but it seems like it won't go away anytime soon.

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