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The ball hit my hands and then fell to the ground. I was so excited, that was my chance to prove everyone wrong, and I blew it. I was embarrassed as I walked to the sideline, and I knew there was going to be some judgemental things said to me, so I tried to just block it out. I received a few pats on the shoulder and helmet, and then I walked over to coach.
"Cas, it's ok. Next time I'm sure you'll make that catch."
"Thanks coach," I walked next to Dylan, but as I was getting there one of the JV players whispered something in my ear.
"I doubt there's going to be a next time, so why don't you just quit the team," I couldn't tell who's voice it was, but I knew I just had to shake it off. After all, that's what I've been doing since tryouts.
The crowd was still pretty upset because coach put me in and I just missed the catch, but I heard one positive thing yelled at me. "It's alright Cas, you'll get it next time," I knew that voice, it was Brennan. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he actually came and supported me when hardly anybody else was. I didn't play a whole lot in the second or third quarters, just for one play here and there, but the passed weren't to me. Currently, there are :07 seconds left in the fourth quarter, and the game is tied. There's time for one more play, and coach calls a time out. We form into a huddle around him while he says what play we are going to run. I was feeling confident since I thought coach was going to call a play that had nothing to do with me, but he didn't. Coach wanted to run the same play-action play as earlier. I was really nervous, but my brothers came through with some words of encouragement as always. ASI was running into the field, I of course heard some comments from the JV players, but I zoned them out to the best of my abilities. We set up our formation, and I heard Jake yell hike. Aaron snapped the ball, and I began to run my route. Jake threw the ball, and I could see it coming my way. I jumped up, and the ball landed perfectly in my hands. Once my feet hit the ground I took off for the end zone. Right as my feet crossed over the goal line, the clock hit :00. I did it! I got the touchdown, and won the game for my team! Everybody came running up to me, hitting my helmet and congratulating me. I was in the middle of giving Tyler a hug when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Brennan. "Hey superstar, congrats!" His smile melted me inside.
"Thanks Brennan!" I was smiling like a freak, and then he hugged me.
"Cas! Come on!" Jake yelled.
"Bye Bren," I gave him one last hug then walked to where my brothers and parents were.
"Who was that boy you were talking to?" Of course Dylan just had to ask.
"His name is Brennan, he's in my bio class."
"I don't know about him Cas."
"Dylan leave your sister alone, she's fine." My mom actually has my back in this situation.
We went back to the locker room, changed, and then headed home. Jake drove us through Chick-Fil-A in the way home since it was like 10:00 and we haven't had dinner. About 30 minutes later we got home. I went up stairs and got out a sports bra and some spandex to sleep in, and then I got in the shower. I took extra long today since it was game day and I just wanted to relax my muscles. Once I got out I brushed my hair and washed my face. I put my hair in a messy bun, and then went downstairs to put my uniform in the washer. Since my mom said she would get it out for me I went back upstairs. I went back upstairs and hopped in bed. I decided to just go on my phone for a little while until I fell asleep. It was about 11:30 and I got an Instagram notification. I opened it up and saw a DM from Brennan.
Brennan1103-Hey Cas, just wanted to say congrats again💙
I couldn't help but smile as I sent him one back.
CasiFromm4-Awwwww, Thanks Bren!💜
I sent the DM and then went to bed. I could not stop smiling as I was falling asleep. I can't believe I'm actually falling for someone this quickly. School started 5 days ago, and I already like somebody. This could be a very interesting year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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