The Breakfast Club And Mutual Feelings

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Steve's POV

It had been a few weeks since Tony and Pepper had broken up. It had also been a few weeks since Pepper had told me that Tony was in love with me. At the time that had been a huge surprise, but now that I had had time to reflect on the fact, I realized that it was blatantly obvious that he did. He flirted with me on an hourly basis, when he wasn't holed up in his lab, he touched me whenever he had the chance, hell, when I had been knocked out cold in a battle, when I had woken up, he was holding my hand and had yelled at me for a good half hour ("Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again, Steve! You scared the shit out of me, I swear you're trying to give me a heart attack,").

Ever since I had told him I had a crush he had been on my ass about it any and every chance he got. If he saw me even glance twice in anyone's direction there was always a prompt, "That's him there, isn't it," followed by an eye-narrowed glare. If looks could kill, about half the male population of S.H.I.E.L.D would be dead, along with Thor, Clint, and Bruce, even though two-thirds of them weren't even into technology.

We had just gotten back from a mission, where luckily not even Tony had managed to have a death scare. We were all tired and dirty and ready to sleep for a week. Thor left shortly after the battle to visit Jane, seeing as last time, when he hadn't visited her when we was on earth, he had been slapped. Clint and Natasha had left to rest and Bruce was currently cooling down and probably trying to find some pants.

Me and Tony on the other hand, had decided to watch a movie, even though we were both incredibly tired.

This time, we decided to watch "The Breakfast Club". Instead of being shy, like last time, and only sitting close together, Tony had quite comfortably slid his arm around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder. I just smiled and pretended that it was nothing out of the ordinary.

Once again, we had ended up falling asleep and somehow had ended up curled up together again, my arms wrapped tightly around Tony and his head buried comfortably in my chest.


When I woke up, the sun had long risen, but Tony was still asleep, snuggled into my chest. I smile to myself and take my chance to be able to stare at him openly. As he sleeps all the lines in his face fade away and he looks peaceful and calm. Not many people know this, but Tony snores. It's not loud, obnoxious snoring, but sort of a soft continuos lull and it was actually kind of cute and it fit him.

Just as I had gotten comfortable with watching him I hear him start to stir. He doesn't open his eyes at first, instead he yawns and mutters something incoherent that may or may not have been just a garble of syllables. He opens his eyes slowly, but doesn't say anything he just smiles at me.

I don't even think about it before I say it, I just blurt it out. "You."

Tony looks up at me in confusion, not sure what I had meant. "What?"

I smile at him lovingly. "You asked me who my crush was, it's you."

Tony doesn't say or do anything for a minute due to the fact that he's still lethargic from sleep. Once his brain catches up with what I said, I see realization dawn on his face. "Oh, Ohhhhh," he says, grinning his eyes widening a bit. He then wastes no time and presses a passionate kiss to my lips.

We break apart after a while and just sort of look at each other for a while, probably grinning like idiots.

"I love you," Tony says after a while, his grin never breaking.

Even though Pepper had told me as much, it's completely different than Tony saying it himself. Tony saying it had just sort of set everything in stone. "I love you, too," I reply grinning.

Tony lets out a breath of relief. "Thank God, cause that could have potentially been really awkward if you hadn't."

I laugh as I pull him in to kiss me. He happily obliges, biting my lower lip to ask for entrance, which I gladly give. He deepens the kiss, his arms wrapping around my neck and rolling us over so that I'm lying on top of him.

We kiss like that for god knows how long and probably would have kept kissing like that if Natasha, Clint, and Bruce hadn't walked in. Bruce opting to stay silent as Clint yells, "Well, it's about time!" And Natasha cat calls.

We both sit up and I blush. "Hey, guys," I say, still a bit embarrassed, though not enough to inch away from Tony. Tony and I, both just sit there awkwardly waiting for them to leave and when they finally do I mutter a, "Finally."

Obviously, Tony had felt the same as I had because in the next few seconds all I hear is a quick, "It's about time," and he's pulling me back down for another make out session. Though, normally I would love to make out with Tony, I thought we should probably talk about this.

"Okay, okay," I say trying to pull away from Tony to start, but I was finding it extremely difficult. "Come on, Tony, we need to talk," I say between his heated kisses.

He pulls away reluctantly and pouts, "Fine."

I roll my eyes playfully at his whining. "Okay, so what are we-Are we dating now?" I ask, not really sure where we went from here. I wasn't exactly the most experienced in the romance department.

I see Tony light up with an idea. "No, not yet," he replies, giving me a goofy smile. He rolls of the couch and onto the floor, getting onto his knees. He takes both of my hands in his own. "Steve Rogers?" He asks.

"Yes?" I answer innocently.

"Would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" I look at Tony and even though he's being overly dramatic about it, I know that he means every word.

I lace our fingers together and smile. "I would be much obliged, Tony Stark," I reply cheesily and pull him in for a kiss.


Hey Y'all. It's me, the author :). I don't know if I'll be adding another part it not, but if you think I should comment and tell me. Suggestions are always great. I was thinkin maybe the first date, what do y'all think?
Story last edited on 30 April 2015

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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