Chapter 2

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"You're in. You may come by tomorrow to the company to get additional information."

"Yes, thank you!"

"Um... Am I speaking to Jeon Sung Min?"


"Ah... No, it's his sister, but I will relay the message!"

"Thank you, miss... Jeon? Have a nice day!"

The call ends.

I'm in! Yessss!

I knew it, but I can't help but be excited.

They said by tomorrow, right? That means I can go today!

She gathers her belongings. She doesn't have a lot. Everything was already packed, as she was forced to move from her previous apartment. Actually, she was being kicked out. Sadly, they didn't tolerate her late monthly pays for the rent anymore.

Leaving this place is the only option now. She hopes he will have a spot at the trainees' dormitory some of the companies have. If not, then he will have to find a home near the company, since at the moment, it is two hours from where she lives.

In front of Big Hit.

I have to go in.

The future is waiting for me. 

Go, Jeon Ju- Sung Min! You can do it!

He enters the building. The company is indeed small, as it has only three levels.

At the front desk, there is the same lady from yesterday's waiting room.

They must be short on staff, too.

He greets her and she shows him to the CEO's room.

The man is sitting behind the same desk as yesterday, only in a smaller room.

They must have brought it there. Really poor. Will I even be able to earn money here?

"Ah, Jeon Sung Min-ssi! Sit down please!"

He does as said.

"Let's discuss the details! I will give you a contract."

He took out some papers.

"So the first term. You must not work for any other company but mine. Most of the backup dancers take their job as a part-time, or something they will do for fun. In my company, I want you to be fully committed to what you do. You will get paid. As our company is still growing, we can't promise you any big money. However, you will have enough money to live healthily. Do you have a place to stay? "


The first word to tarnish the blank paper. Ironic.

"Ok. I expected that. However, I can't fournish you your own apartment, for obvious reasons. You will have to stay at a dormitory with some other trainees. Is that okay with you?"

Well shit. I will get caught in no time!

But do I have a choice?


I will make sure not to get caught.

He sighs. Takes the pen in his hands and writes down his answer.


"Good! When can you move in? I think the quicker the better, but it is up to you!"

Can I move in tomorrow?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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