Chapter Nine

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    With Quirk assessment over, everyone filed back inside and into the locker rooms. Miyo stayed close in a corner while changing, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. A girl with pink skin had no qualms about talking to the other girls, bouncing up and down as she changed back into her uniform.

    "When do you think we'll get our hero costumes? I can't wait for them, I had so much fun designing mine!" She exclaimed, slipping her socks on.

    "I think we might get them today or tomorrow, though I don't know what period." A girl with black hair said, turning to face the pink one. Miyo overheard their names, Ashido Mina and Yaoyorozu Momo.

    Mina let out a cheer, shouting a few other things as Miyo folded her uniform up neatly and placed it inside her locker. Grabbing her shoes, she slipped them on before walking out of the locker room. Outside the locker room, she spotted the boy with purple spheres on his head, practically drooling as he stared at the locker room door.

    "Uh..." She started, shrinking away from his outstretched arms. His head snapped to look at her when she exited, and he visibly looked her up and down, eyes lingering on spots for uncomfortably long periods.

    Miyo fiddled with her blazer for a moment, before he looked away as someone else left the room behind her.

    "Midoriya-san..?" Miyo could've sworn she'd heard angels sing as she spoke. Spinning around quickly, Miyo was sure her relief was visible, because Uraraka arched an eyebrow at her for a moment, before glancing to the smaller boy before them.

    What was happening seemed to have clicked in her mind, as Uraraka wrapped a hand around her wrist and led her away and to the classroom, spewing anything and everything she could to make it seem normal.

    Once they made it into the class, Uraraka let go of her wrist and sighed in relief. Miyo popped her knuckles absentmindedly, looking around to see who had finished changing and returned to class already.

    Iida, Izuku, and Susumu were there, along with Katsuki and a girl with... earphone jacks hanging from her ears. Katsuki glared at her, but said nothing as she went to her seat.

    Susumu stood from his seat, coming over and leaning against her desk. Green eyes met brown, and they had a small staring contest before breaking into smiles and laughter.

    "Say, our Quirks are pretty similar. What're the conditions for yours?" he asked, pulling his hair back into a half-up half-down style.

    Miyo hummed, batting away some of the pollen that fell onto her shoulder. "Well, first of all, I pollinate. Obviously," She chuckled. The movement knocked more pollen off, causing her to sneeze. Uraraka looked at her from a few seats over and smiled, mouthing 'Bless you' and returning to whatever she was doing.

    "Yeah, I kinda figured. That's gotta suck, though. Pollinating and being allergic to pollen? I'd die."

    Miyo smiled up at him, shrugging. "I've dealt with it every year since I was four, I'm kinda used to it."

    Susumu shrugged, mimicking her. "I guess that makes it easier. My branches grow leaves in the Spring, and the begin to fall off in Autumn. A little annoying, but not too bad. Summers suck, though, because the leaves make my back so hot and I'm just kinda miserable."

    Miyo chuckled, before glancing at the front of the classroom where Aizawa began to unzip his sleeping bag. He rushed to his seat next to hers, sitting down before the teacher had fully stepped out of his sleeping bag.

    "You have English next, then Math, and then Lunch." Aizawa said, before walking out of the room with his yellow monstrosity folded over his shoulder.

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