The hospital?!

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"the hospital???" I asked confused. "Yeah that moron the XY through you out the window" Said Jenny (A/N Jenny is 285's real name. Eddie is 389's real name.) "Who you calling a moron you little *beep*!?" Yelled the XY. I saw jenny shrink down in the corner. Sigh in this place we all get abused.  I watched helplessly as the XY picked up jenny by her neck with a sick smile making it way up on his face. I felt tears dripping down my face withered from continuous beatings. Crunch. Slap. Stomp. I covered my ears I couldn't bear to hear this. Might as well give you some background on this place. This is the OFC. Or the orphanage for the crazed. Why am i here?? And what is this organization?? Well the year is 2098 and a new virus came out. People became crazed as in sick. Like losing there memory and running around like lunatics asking "Who am I?" Instead of helping the poor unfortunate souls. The government locked all of us up in the place. Hello? Hello?! HELLO?! "Huh?" I said snapping out of my thoughts. I felt a prick in my arm and it all went black.

Authors note.
Sorry for not updating :( Its just people weren't reading my book so i was like what's the point. But then I saw an actual comment on my page I was so happy! Thank you so much for taking your time to read this. Oh and another thing the rules. Ok these are simple. Do not copy my book. You already should know that XD. All these characters are from my imagination so if one of these characters have your name it was completely coincidental.  I don't mind if you correct me on my grammar and or spelling.

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