The first time.....

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   The first Wednesday after me and her broke up I went to church. I actually liked it, it was super fun.
    Two weeks after I went to Altitude, a trampoline park. I went with my best friend Olivia. I wasn't expecting to see anyone there but I did....... I saw this guy who had kissed me a couple months back. I was in my moods* so I watched him and tried to make up the courage to talk to him. I worked up the courage and I talked to him......... at first he didn't remember me but then he did. I left my friend for a bit just to talk to him but then he kissed me and we started making out. He asked me if I wanted to go outside and I said "sure". We walked out side and started making out. He tried pulling down my pants but couldn't since I was wearing super high waisted pants. Then he tried to take off my bra, 3 times and I told him "no" every time. Then my friend saved me by pretending to need me. As we were walking back we started making out and he picked me up and pushed me up against a white truck. Then we went inside and nothing else happened. Then I went home and told my friend.

(This was the first time a guy was low key trying to rape me)

*Moods = Horny

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