The Bar

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Ella was not like any girl I had met before. She wasn't taken by my charm or my looks she seemed to truly care more about what I had to say then about anything else. And I liked that about her. But that didn't explain why I was still think about her after over two weeks of not seeing her again.

When she had left that day saying she had to get to work I didn't think to ask where her work was or even her last name. And although I would normally send someone to find her I didn't want anyone to know about her. I wanted to keep her all to my self and safe away from the world that I lived in.

It was funny that the "Big Bad Hybrid" wanted to keep the lovely brown haired blue eyed human safe. But then maybe not, because he had always been a selfish man. Hell he coined the word.

So that's why I was headed to Rousseau's I was in need of a drink and a chat with Camille to try and better understand why I couldn't top think about that girl.

So the last thing I expected was to walk in to Rousseau's and find Ella running around giving out drinks. She was in a white knee length summer dress with a brown belt and brown flats on her feet.

She didn't seem to see me as I walked up to the bar. She ran right past me picking up drinks and taking them to the right tables.

She was walking past a table that was filled with some of Marcel's vampires, that were left from before I took back being King. She was almost past them when one of them grabbed her around the waist and dragged her down to his lap.

"Why don't you show us a good time?" he and his friends smirked at her.

"Let go of me!" she said trying to move from his lap but unable to compete with his iron grip.

"Don't be like that sugar I'm just tiring to have a little fun." He and his friends laugh and I knew what kind of fun he had planed for her.

In all my long life there was one thing I had always vowed never to do and that was take a women against her will not even with compulsion. It wasn't right and I sure as hell was not going to let that happen to my Ella.

With in a blink I was standing before the table looking down on them with a smile that some would find friendly but most would run from if they knew me at all. I could see the fear in the eyes of the other vampires. But in Ella's eyes I saw hope. As if I was her knight and had saved her from her tower.

"Now what's going on here? Ella, love are you ok?" I asked as I took her hand and pulled her from the mans arms. She fit perfectly into my arms and chest as I held her against me.

"Oh...oh ya everything's fine Klaus sorry man I didn't know she was your girl. We'll just go. Come on guys."

They couldn't get out faster if they tried.

I looked down at Ella and could help but think about what they had said my girl. I liked the way it sounded. And I was sure as hell going to make that the truth.

"Why don't I walk you home love? Its getting late and I'm sure they wouldn't mind you going."

She looked up at me tears running down her cheeks that made me want to rip the hearts out of each of those scum and give them to her. However I didn't think she would like that very much so I walked her home after she nodded at me.

It was a long walk to where she lived but it was a nice night and I didn't mind being out in it with her. When we got to her apartment we stood much like in a cheese movie, her fiddling with her keys and me looking longingly at her.

"Thank you for helping me tonight." She said softly.

"I would never let them hurt you." I reached out and touched her face.

"Would you like to go out with me tomorrow Ella?" I asked her.

"I would love to." She looked up and smiled at me.

I couldn't help it and lend in and kissed her. And what a kiss it was her lips where soft and sweet like she had just had sweet tea. I warped my arms around her waist and she around my neck pulling her flush to me.

Oh yes I would be making Ella my girl.

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