Once Upon A Dream

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I know you,

I walked with you

Once upon a dream...

{Past POV}

They say that in the final moments of life, you can physically communicate with the dying.

The phone rang a few hours after Tom had left for work.

"Mrs. Hiddleston, your husband-he's
been shot."

I never forgot those seven words in my entire life.

I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could, trying to blink away the tears that threatened to spill.

When I arrived, he was lying on the bed; his pale face was whiter than the sheet that covered him. I looked down at him, his bare chest barely rising up and down. The world will be traumatized when they can finally grasp what has happened.

*** {Present POV}

A doctor approaches me thirty minutes later while I am in the midst of my thoughts.

"Mrs. Hiddleston, he may not make it."

"Yes, I believe so," I state, biting my lip so that I can try to bear any upcoming pain.

"Who shot him?" I ask in a very straightforward tone, as if I was to immediately go and avenge his death.

The doctor pauses and takes a deep breath.

"It was a fan of his, Mrs. Hiddleston. I am so very sorry."

A fan. A fan who was probably jealous of our marriage. A fan who decided, despite her misery, to shoot and possibly kill the man she has adored for years.

"His left artery was obliterated by the bullet, which cuts off the blood supply to his heart. He needs a transplant immediately, or we'll lose him," the doctor explains.

His last sentence makes my entire body go numb and ache with fear. I know what I'll have to do. It's the only way for him to survive, and for his legacy to keep living. I will save him, even though the cruel greed of society led him to be here. I'll be forgiving, because I know he would want me to be.

I look down at Tom before telling the doctor that I would literally give him my heart.


I lay on the bed next to him, holding his almost lifeless hand as I close my eyes. I lose my train of thought as my world erupts into a space of a million stars, making me believe that death has finally greeted me at its door. However, a single voice proves me to be wrong.

"Darling, can you hear me?" A voice seems to shake me awake. I open my eyes and realize where I am, but something is wrong. I'm not in my physical body, I'm more of an apparition. I get off of the bed and glance down at myself being cut open, the doctors getting ready to end my life. I have limited time. I try to communicate with the doctors, but they don't seem to hear me or notice me at all.

"Tom, is that- is that you?" I say, hearing his voice but not seeing his ghost-like form. Is he a different being than I am, just because of his physical state?

"I'm right here... You can hear me?"
"Yes," I follow his voice out into the hallway, where I finally see him. A tear escapes my eyes when we reunite at last. After a moment passes, I let my emotions pour out like a waterfall, sobbing into his shoulder. Until I finally decide to calm down, he comforts me and holds me close.

"Tom, why can't they hear us?" I sniff against his chest, taking in the familiar scent of cologne and detergent. He rests his head atop mine.

"We're probably in another dimension, that is why they cannot see nor hear us." He rubs my back, which calms me down. I smile and kiss him again, making sure that it's really him. I put my forehead to his chest and listen for his heartbeat. The familiar sound reminds me that I have limited time.

Once Upon A Dream: A Tom Hiddleston Oneshot ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now