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Thomas watched as Teresa held her paper sheet. What kind of information?

"Thomas, today you don't have to take medications or eat dinner, I don't care, but tomorrow you're forced to do that." Teresa said, and Thomas nodded as slow as he could.

"You're group is 'group A'. Your roommate is A7, also known as Minho. You're A2, by the way. The common room is a few doors down the corridor. The cafeteria is downstairs, you'll easily find it." Teresa babbled, and Thomas tried his best to keep up with what she was saying.

"The group therapy is in the door next to the common room door. And then we have 3-4-5, where you're together with A5, B1 and a guy I don't remember the number of." Teresa said.

"What's their names?" Thomas asked. Teresa looked down at her paper sheet.

"I think it's Newt, Aris, and Siggy. You meet them for your lock-down in lock-down room 5, it's in the corridor past the elevator. More you want to know?" Teresa said. Thomas shook his head.

"Alright, I'll leave you for yourself." Teresa said, and with that, she was gone.

It was only by now Thomas noticed the clock over the door, and the two chairs which were placed at the end of each bed.

The clock said that the time was 5.30 pm. Might as well do something, Thomas thought.

Maybe the other rooms have something good to steal. I mean borrow!

There it was. The voices again.

Thomas tried to shut them out.

You can't just stay here! Go do something!

Thomas wanted to do something, because he believed the voices were right, but he didn't because he heard the door open.

Thomas head snapped in the direction to the door as the door shut.

In to the room, Minho came, together with a dark-skinned boy, hair cut quite short, and a boy who looked like a little kid, with blonde hair and cute eyes.

The only thing the blonde boy could be separated from really young, was his height.

Well, the boy wasn't the tallest boy on earth, but his height wasn't on the scale of a ten-year-old height.

Different from Minho and the dark-skinned boy, the blonde boy wore a jumper with long sleeves, and he was skinny, Thomas could see that through his shirt. Maybe too skinny.

Minho sat down on his bed, the dark-skinned boy next to Minho, and the blonde boy in the chair beside Minho's bed.

"Hey, Thomas, this is Alby," Minho said and pointed at the dark-skinned boy, "and the little shank over there is Newt."

Alby smiled welcomingly at Thomas, while Newt only looked down at his hands.

Thomas wondered what word shank was, but focused on the special feeling he felt when he watched Newt. He was incredibly cute.

"Thomas, you're new, right? Make sure Gally don't get to you." Alby said, and Minho snorted.

"Wait, who's Gally?" Thomas asked curiously.

Minho laughed a little. "Tell him, Newt, what you called him the other day." Minho said.

Newt still looked down at his hands. "A shuck-shank with crazy eyebrows." Newt muttered, with an incredible deep accent.

Minho and Alby roared with laughter, while Thomas couldn't help but chuckle a little himself. Even Newt had a little smile, and Alby patted Newt's back.

"Wanna play some fashion-games?" Minho asked, and pulled up a computer from under his bed. Alby grinned when he saw it.

"I thought you weren't allowed to have that sort of things here?" Thomas asked furiously. Minho and Alby grinned to each other.

"Stole it from Teresa. Easy as shuck steal from her." Minho said, and turned on the computer.

"I - uh - think I'll go back to my room." Newt said, and rose up from the chair. Thomas noticed his really thin legs.

As Newt walked out to the door, and through it, Minho watched carefully, as if he was afraid Newt would break in to a thousand of pieces.


Fifteen minutes after Newt had walked out of the room, Minho, Alby and Thomas heard a horrible yelling. The voice was scared.

The voice came from Newt.

Alby and Minho put away their fashion-game on the computer, and Thomas dropped the yarn he was playing with.

Alby and Minho ran out of the door, with Thomas right behind.

Then he saw it.

A boy with crazy eyebrows, who must be Gally, and Newt, were the only ones in the corridor.

In the corridor, Gally was pinning Newt to the wall, almost choking him because of Gally's arm pressed to Newt's throat.

Alby ran to the boys fast to prevent Newt's death or something.

"Thomas get inside!" Minho said sternly, and pushed Thomas into their room.

Thomas did what Minho said, and waited inside the room.

Minho didn't come back until the evening.


Poor Newtie :(

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