Why haven't you missed me yet?

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Dear Ex,
    You know I still miss you,
Just now when i wrote ex my heart was about to write love but mind distracted and i wrote ex.
You know my heart worries for you,
It wants to hear your voice,
But my mind distracts on the question why haven't you missed me yet?
My eyes burst into red ocean,
Body corrodes
I feel rust on the entrance door,
I find lumps forming when i speak,
I pick up my phone and dial
But again my mind questions why haven't you missed me yet?
My pillows are wet forever,
I find noone replacing you,
And then again i feel corroded on the question,
Have you find an another me?
How can someone replace the lub dub heart muses,
How can you threw me without even use,
And again when i move in the direction of you,
I find the 'me' stopping and questioning
"Why haven't you missed me yet"
But love,
Its tougher to move your name out of my veins,
Its tough to remove the rust of your name from my entrance door,
I feel corrode,
I feel you inside forming lumps in the process of breath,
I miss you
But "why haven't you missed me yet?"

Few Words from heart_throbs.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant