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Disclaimer: I do not Yugioh! Or Card Captor Sakura

Yugioh! © KazukinTakahashi
Card Captor Sakura © Clamp

Who Am I?
Written By: Mariks Girl


"If the one chosen by the advocate Kerberos cannot defeat the judge Yueh...."

"...then anyone who had anything to do with the Clow Cards...

Will lose their memories of their most beloved person."


"Give me your other hand!" a boy with brown hair and light-brown eyes shouted as he held onto a girl with light-brown hair and emerald green eyes with one hand. She tried to reach with her other hand and place it into his so that he could lift her into his arms, but her glove slipped from his, her eyes widen as she fell into darkness. He stood there in shock, then tears formed in his eyes.



A ten year old boy with tri-colored hair crouched in the sand box, playing by himself. His violet eyes held sadness in them. This always to happen, no one would play with him --- he felt so alone, and he couldn't help wanting to cry. Then he heard like someone was crying... the little boy glanced around and saw the different kids playing together... but he didn't see anyone crying. He looked back down at the sand box, but then lifted his head when he heard the sobbing of someone crying. He stood up and walked towards the crying... it soon became louder and louder and he found himself surround by trees in the park. Then he saw her.

It was a girl around his age with short light-brown hair that framed her face while the back of her hair was cut short. She was sitting with her knees to her chest, both hands covering her face as she sobbed. He notice that she had on one black glove, while her other hand was bare; she is wearing a dark blue winter coat with black pantyhose and black ankle boots. He was normally a very shy boy, but he couldn't help but walk towards her. "Are y-you okay?" He asked, nervous of what she would say. She moved her hands away from her face and he saw the most beautiful emerald-green eyes that he had ever seen, She looked up at him with tears running down her fair skin. "I-- who are you?" she asked in a small voice.

"Y-yugi Motou... what's your name?" he asked shyly. She stared at him for a moment. "I'm---" Sakura. "Sakura..." she said softly as she dried her tears. Yugi crouched down next to her. "That's a pretty name! Do you have a last name?" he asked with a shy smile. She looked down, trying to remember... but nothing came to her and then tears began to form in her eyes again. "I-I don't remember!!"

"Please don't cry." Yugi said in a hurry, trying to calm the shaken girl. "Do you have a mommy and a daddy?" the shook her head. "I can't remember!!" she looked like she was about to cry. "You can stay with me and Grandpa!" Yugi shouted. "So don't cry!!!" he replied with a worried look. She looked at Yugi with surprise on her face. "Really!?" she asked softly and Yugi nodded. "It just me and grandpa, I'm sure grandpa will let you stay!!" he said with a smile. He then stood up and held his hand out to her; she looked at his hand for a moment, then she took it and smiled brightly.

This was the day that he found a friend (besides his childhood friend Anzu) and a sister that he would do everything with.

End Prologue

This is another old story that I have done nothing with, but I thought I would write/type it down and up load it. Originally it was Jonouchi that found Sakura, but I decided to go with Yugi and have Sakura and Yugi have a very close brother/sister bond. The next chapter will be when they are both fifteen (or was it sixteen?) and are in high school. If you have any ideas that you think you would like to see in this story, please let me know and I give you full credit!

P.S. This is going to go by the YGO manga.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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