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"I will remain united to you. A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me."
-John 15: 4-5

In you I have placed my trust.
You oh lord have given me love, and hope.
With you, my God I would not know love,
And you have shown us with a dove
That peace lays within your humble embrace,
Dear God thank you for your grace.
Words cannot express the love you have bestowed unto your child.
With out you I would not be able to bear this daily pain,
In you I find my refuge
And a place to lay my pain.
Thank you God.
Thank you for my daily hope and the greatness in every way you work.
I praise you.

- c•l•c

.18 dear God.

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