Chapter 1

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   Coming to my father's office is very annoying. Can't I just have my own freedom? I mean, I'm already legal and I think having freedom wont harm. Coming here is like digging my own grave, he always scolds me, tells me harsh words and sometimes yell at me when my mom's not around. No wonder my father and I grew apart...

"Daniel! Didn't I tell you not to go on a night outs when you and your friends have work?" Here we go again... I never wanted to be a trainee, inheriting his company is fine with me, but being a singer? I dance, not sing. This is just crazy. I mean, attending college and training to be a singer? You've got to be kidding me. "Go tell Taewoong, Jaehan, Jinwoo and Jisung to go see me after lunch. Yes, all of you are old enough to have your night outs but doing that while training to be a singer isn't good for all of you. You're dismissed."

I don't know if this is what I really feel but I feel like I resent him. I resent him as a father, not as a CEO. This is just annoying.

Before opening up the door, he, again halted me.

"Daniel, are you in good terms with the Kims? Jaehwan is your friend, am I right?"

Yup, he is my friend but he is just using our friendship to build a nice partnership in terms of our business. Whenever the Kims and he meets, all I hear is "oh my son and Jaehwan are friends we should be in good terms, right? Ah and your daughter? I remember her by being friends with my son." That is just annoying.

I stopped at the front of the door while holding the knob tightly. I can feel my hands getting numb but I don't mind. "Yes. We're in good terms."

I didn't tell my friends that my father wants to see them because I don't want to deal with that man anymore. It's already seven pm, time to go to our favorite place on the Earth. Clubs. Why? You think it's racy? Well, you're wrong. It's actually fun because we get to release our stress from our nuisance training. Now where is my car key...? Ah found it!

I texted my friends that I'm on my way to Hongdae. They probably arrived there already because I haven't seen them earlier. How lucky of them they don't have a dictator-like father like mine. They don't get scolded by their parents, they get scolded by mine. Sometimes I feel like a burden because somehow, I feel like they're obligated to be friends with me because I'm their boss's son. Let me cut out those thoughts because we've already arrived at our favorite place. XXX Club.

I entered the room where lights are blinding and the sounds are deafening. This place is like my... hmm... heaven? I guess. Sometimes there are girls dancing in front of us wearing nothing but lingerie. But I just ignore them because I come here to have fun and drink, not having s*x with random girls I barely seen. Oh guess what?! That "sometimes" is tonight. I've already seen my friends sitting at a corner table with a girl dancing in front of them. Ugh. Those d*ckheads are already enjoying it.

I approached our table but it seems like they're ignoring me for now. I sat beside Jisung hyung and yeah they're ignoring me because that chick is pretty hot; no wonder they seem to enjoy it.

"Care if I join you?" The girl said in a seducing tone. Woah there. "I'm Dana. You guys are familiar to me, are you a regular?" She asked while shaking our hands.

"Well, yeah, we are." I answered because these guys looks so stunned. "You look young for this job..." I unconsciously said. Why? Is it wrong that I blurted out what's on my mind?

"No. I'm not. Want a drink?"

"No, we're fine. Having your presence here is perfect." Jinwoo hyung said. Ugh. Flirty as ever. The girl chuckled because of hyung's statement. "Is it fine for you if I stayed here for a bit?" They all nodded like puppies. What can I do but to agree, right? Actually, this girl seems interesting. I'm not thinking of having s*x with her because that's not my thing. But her aura, it's calming... for me, I think. Something's odd with this girl.

Three hours later my friends passed out because they drank too much as usual. And it's a new experience because I'm the only one who's sober among the five of us. So here I am, alone with Dana. The six of us grew fond of each other. I guess.

"Aren't you cold with that clothes?" Pertaining to that lingerie she is wearing. She just smiled and nodded a bit.

"Yes, I am. But all I can do is to endure it since I have to earn money."

"But there are other jobs. Why do you work in this club, anyway?" I don't know if I'm being nosy or what but I have the urge to ask her because something is really odd.

"I just want to..." She toned down a bit. "Well... I hate working at this place. It really sucks. Men keeps touching me here and there but letting them lets me earn more."

I don't know what I was thinking but I found myself taking off my jacket and handing it to her. She looks flustered but I really didn't care because I don't want her to showcasing her body like that. Sounds weird for me to say, right?


"It's just... whatever." I looked away because I was embarrassed too. "You can keep it or you can give it back to me whenever you feel like. Can I have your number...?"

Okay, that was just out of the blue.

"Woah you're not trying to hook up with me, right?"

"Look, Dana, I'm a decent man. My father's gonna kill me if he'd know I had s*x with a random girl I just met."

"I don't know why but you..."

"I what?"

"Earned my trust."

That escalated quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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