(x x x v i) \ (drunk in love)

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So tell me nothing’s gonna change yeah, and you’ll never walk away, yeah ~ One Direction


Previously on Spin the Harry:


“I missed you,” he breathlessly says. Harry mums his words, snogging once again, him missing the feel of Louis’ lips on his. He breathed him in, groaning when Louis’ thigh rubs against his crotch, clutching his hair tightly as he could because, gasp, this boy would be his downfall.

“I missed you more,” he replies, lifting him off the bed and sitting in an up and locked position on Louis.

“Prove it.” Harry accepts the challenges, his moist lips finding Louis’ in the dark, wanting more passion, desire, ache and his own little Cheshire boy.

Slamming Louis back on the bed, Harry says, regrettably, “Sleep. Now!”

“I want your lips on mine,” Louis pleads. Harry presses his lips to Louis’ and back against chest, he holds him tightly, rubbing his stomach slowly. “Are you rubbing my stomach?”

“It’s cute,” he says, his warm breath feeling great on his cold neck, “and you’ve got a little potty too.”

“I do not,” Louis shakes his head, “I have proper abs you know.”

“M’sure love,” Harry mums sleepily. “Go to sleep.”

“No,” Louis whines, “I want to kiss you.”

“Goodnight Lou.”

“Please,” he whines some more.


“I want the taste of your lips-”

“Stop quoting Ed’s song.”

Louis sighs, “But they express what I’m feeling right now.”

Harry opens his eyes in the dark and looks at Louis, slightly seeing his glowing orbs in the dark. “I promise tomorrow we’ll do all sorts of kissing that you want but right now I really, really want to sleep.”

“You’re just a sleazebag,” Louis says snuggling against Harry’s bare chest.

“I’m your sleazebag.”


And now:

 “WHAT are you guys doing?” Zayn asks Niam who are standing outside Louis and Harry’s room, “You guys aren’t spying on them are you?”

“No, pfft, never.” Niall looks away from Zayn.

“So how’s Perrie?” Liam asks.

“Management called,” Zayn says, with a tinge of sorrow, “they sounded mad on the phone.”

“I know, they said they’re coming for a meeting,” Liam nods, “something about going to Honolulu.”

“A trip maybe?”

“I hope so, we all deserve a trip,” Niall smiles.

“Yeah, two years of doing absolute nothing, no song writing, no touring the world, no making albums, just searching for Harry really deserves a trip to Honolulu.”

(Spin The Harry) / (Stylinson + Horayne) / (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now