Road Trip

432 13 7

Jc's POV

My little sister looks at me funny. "Jc Caylen? Why does that sound so familiar?"She says mostly to herself. "I swear Victoria said your name and started obsessesing over it."

her friend must like o2l! "Actually, I'm-" I start trying to tell her about the YouTube channel I'm in.

She just waves her hands. "Never mind that. Why are you here?" Oh, right, that.

"Well my mom and dad had this whole honesty thing because they have been having marriage problems,  then dad said he had a affair and the girl he was with got pregnant." I gesture to her. "She had you."  [(A/N) I know that Jc's dad left when he was 5 and his dad would never do anything like that but I had to do this for the story so bear with me.]

she looks at me with puzzlement in her eyes. "then why isn't she here instead of you?"

My heart fills with sadness.  "She died giving birth to you." her eyes cloud over and if you weren't looking closely you would think she is feeling nothing towards the news that her mother died. But I see water in her eyes, she blinks to make it go away.  I continue, noticing that she doesn't want to talk. "And my dad - our dad, feels horrible about it. He wants to make it up to you. He and Mom agreed that you should come live with us."

Mrs. Slazak cuts in. "Me and Steve talked with your real father and agreed it was a good idea." She holds Lizzie even closer.  "Don't worry honey, they are allowing me to see you anytime after the 1st month."

Lizzie's eyes widen. "I can't see you for one month?!"

"it's ok they just want you to get settled in, and we can still talk on the phone." Tears start rolling down Mrs. Slazak's eyes. "You should really get going. i packed you a back that should last you a week and will send over the rest of your stuff over. bye peanut."

Lizzie laughs at the nickname and hugs her mom forcefully. "I love you mom." She whispers and releases her. A single tear escapes her eye as she looks down at her mother. and with that we walk out of the house to Mrs. Slazak's sobs.

Lizzie goes silent as we enter the car and it seems she doesn't intend on speaking the rest of the way to California. Well this is going to be a great 10 hours.

Lizzie's POV

I watch as we pass the 'Leaving Utah' sign. mine as well say 'leaving your one and only home never to come back.'

"So why is your last name Nash and your mom's is Slazak?" Jc asks trying to start a conversation. 

"Because my mom use to be married to another man before she met Steve. He left, but I still had his last name. I never knew why he left until now." I look at him for the first time in the whole car ride. "when he left I begged him to stay. All he did was turn and shouted at me 'You are not mine!' To a three year old, that makes no sense.  I haven't thought of that time until now, and it makes so much sense." I look back out the window. "He left because I wasn't his kid.... He left because of me."

I could feel Jc's eyes bore into my the back of my head. "I was bullied." He blurts. I turn back to him with a confused face. He just shrugs. "It's all I got." I laugh at his little confession.  "I probably have had a lot of bad things happen to me," He smiles at me, "but I'm a optimist. And all those bad things I looked for a reason to smile. Cause you know, I have a beautiful smile." I start to laugh even harder. " It's true! Here let me help you look for the bright side on this." He motions to everything. "You get to be siblings with me."

"Oh, how lucky of me." I say sarcastically. 

"Hey, optimists don't use sarcasm!" He scolds playfully. It takes all the power I have not to die of laughter.  Maybe this isn't the worst thing in the world. 

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