Hell-Coming Week

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Day #1 

    The short car ride from King's Cross Station to my prison at the Dursley's in Surry I spent staring at the back of the front seat, I kept looking at the back of his head to avoid looking at the spot I am sure he had placed my wand after removing it from my back pocket.  Vernon spends the entire ride venting about the useless need for opening up space again for the 'Freak'.  His rant lasted the entire length of his driving time, during this time it is one of the rare moment that I can safely tune him out as either way I will enjoy the last of my peace before he pulls into the driveway of their house, once we arrived there he follows behind as I drag the trunk that holds half of my belongings down the small hallway to my cupboard under the stairs.  I am working on shoving the trunk inside as a sudden shove on my lower back manages to toppled me on top of it, then both it and I are inside the space as I am bent double across my trunk, denting the empty cage in front of me causing me to blink in pain as the door slams shut on the back of my legs, only to hear the locks engage as he laughs walking away from my location.

     I work to control my breathing to work through the pain as I know my ribs are stills sore though Madam Pomfrey did heal them up during the time I spent in the hospital wing after that maze portkey from the grounds then back at the end of the tournament that had given me many new injuries minus the major bruising since I guess she forgot by the next morning, not anything new.  Once more I slow my breathing this lets me listen to be sure that Vernon has walked upstairs to the bedroom or if he is gone into the living room or back out of the house completely.   To my relief, I can hear him call for the horse and the cow to hurry up so they can enjoy their weekend resort without any freaks in their way.  Sadly, it comes to no  surprise that I am looking forward to a weekend alone even if I happen to be locked in the damn cupboard once more I can only hope they mean a weekend instead of just saying that without it being the true extent of the days they will leave me locked down as they have done before.

     For the moment I relax allowing myself to slump on the top of the hard trunk to listen as they chatter about going to visit Veron's sister Marge; it would seem she is letting them stay to watch her dogs since she will be out of town for a show, to show off some of her babies this weekend.  Surprisingly it seems Aunt Petunia is making sure to power off most of the house and she is not worried about the yard since she mowed it this morning, I find that rather funny but it is also a bit reassuring that they will only be gone for a few days.  After all Aunt Petunia takes pride in her lovely lawn and gardens this I remember as their last long trip she splurged to pay for lawn service since I was supposed with them instead of being locked down in my cupboard over that two-week trip.  In fact, there are a few trips I had been taken on after I had started at the local primary school.  The sound of the whale's thunderous steps bring my attention back to the present, I listen to his loud whine about his apparent lack of interest for this trip and is he not old enough to watch the freak himself after all he is no longer a baby being at school at Smelting's now.  These words cause a bone-deep chill to take a hold  of me before Aunt Petunia handles it in her normal shrill tones that reaffirm that her baby is not a baby anymore followed by a rather odd discussion that is rather scary in that once again Dudley got his way along with a rather large allowance to ensure he would be well feed during their month-long vacation followed by the key to the cupboard under the stairs since he would need me to cook and do the other chores to save them on the stress of several extra trips back to this house just to do the lawn maintenance.

     They will be gone on a month-long trip, I don't know if I should be glad not to be caged for that long or to fear for my life with Dudley in charge since I have no wand nor any healing potions since by my count, either way, this could really spell out doom for my near future; thus, I begin to pray to any or all that could exist that I once more survive the summer.  The next hour is a blur of voices, as Aunt Petunia debates with her husband, Vernon about the proper amount of funds for Dudley to use on food after all he has never spent on stuff other than splurges but Vernon counters by offering to let Aunt Petunia take Dudley out to shop for about a weeks worth of groceries while he watches the telly at home and then Dudley would have a good plan plus a week of frozen meals just in case than Aunt Petunia can enjoy the time away as a second honeymoon trip just the pair of them.  It is rather odd at the time about the amount of time that I noticed the quietness that my cousin kept since he had only whined a bit followed by a reason, like a real reason to remain behind thought he also asked Vernon for a list of chores for the freak to keep the freak from slacking off, that caused Vernon proudly announce that his boy is growing  up very manly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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