Lets Get Started!

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I DO NOT own any of the characters except Ally and Julia. Give all the credit to J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan!                                                            ENJOY!

Ally(picks up megaphone):WAKE UP!

Everyone: *groans*

Ally:We have a big day ahead of us! Everyone in the Room of Requirment

PJO characters: THE WHAT?

*Everyone enters the Room*

Ally: Okay lets start with Draco, Draco truth or dare?

Draco: Dare, anything for you goregous

Ally: OOKAY, I dare you to either go on a date with Hermione or me

Draco: ( ‾ ʖ̫ ‾)

Draco: I choose...... you

Leo:*pouty face* Aww, I wanted her

*Ally and Draco disapear and Julia takes over*

Leo: Helloooooo beautiful

Julia:*asks the rest* Is he always like this?

Everyone: *in unsion* Yes

Julia: Anyway, Jason truth or dare?

Jason: Truth

Julia: If you never met Piper, will you date Reyna?

*Piper is staring daggers at him*

I tag fandom_phantom_999 for this

Percy Jackson/Harry Potter Truth or Dare *DISCONTUINED*Where stories live. Discover now