Chapter 7

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*Edited by dann_ds *

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How did she find me?

"What do you want?" I asked her in a snapping tone. I saw that she was alone.

"Just to talk Abby. First things first. My son...leave him alone or-" I cut her before she could complete with her sentence because I had enough of her fucking bullshit. It's time now I stand up for myself.

"No, I'm done with you pushing me around Margaret. I love Noah and there's nothing that you can do about it. We have a beautiful little girl together and you're missing out on her. One day you are going to regret it. Now please leave my home." I was not done with my words but I had to stop myself before it got further.

"Before I leave" She held a brown envelope in front of me. "Take this and leave my son alone" I grab the envelope from her hands and slam the door on her face and lock it just in case she decides to try something.

I took a few deep breaths and walked to the kitchen table and laid the envelope on it. I grab my iPhone from the charger and called Noah.

He didn't pick up his iPhone which means he's in a business meeting or busy with something else. I left him a message

Hey, Noah please call me back as soon as possible. Bye.

I then called Emma down for dinner; she was telling me how much she misses her daddy and can't wait to see him. When I put all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher my iPhone started ringing. I look at the display and it was Noah.

"Hello," I answered.

"Abby sorry I just got out of a meeting. Did something happen?" He asks me.

"Your mother paid me a visit a few hours ago an-" on just hearing this Noah caught me off.

"Are you alright? What did she say?"

"Well you know, stay away from my son or else. I'm fine Noah, I can handle your mother. She also gave me a brown envelope which I didn't open yet." In all honesty, I was kind of afraid to open it you may never know what's in there.

"Okay don't open it until I get there. I'm getting my jet ready now, so I'll be there in a few hours. Okay, I'll call you once I land. Love you, Abby."

"Okay. Love you too. Bye."

"Bye." I hang up my iPhone. I and Emma talked for a bit but I didn't tell her that her dad was coming in a few hours. She'll be asleep when he comes here.

After I put her to sleep, I told Noah to text me when he lands because I'm taking along ass bath. Before I filled the bathtub up. I unwrapped my Lavender water-mint bath bomb and put it under the water. The smell of it was calming.

After the tub was filled, I undressed and went into the water. I played some oldies on my iPhone music.

Now it's me time.

I closed my eyes and relaxed.

I don't know how long I've in the tub since the water was still the temperature. Then my iPhone went off.

I reach for it and it was Noah telling me that he landed at the airport. It was almost ten-thirty and I texted him okay and see you when you get here.

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