Chapter Four

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   Soon they only had ten days to pack. It soon became clear they would be took to a camp for the duration of the war. Sayaka had to pack everything she owned into a backpack, a suitcase, and a cloth bag. Sayaka had to get rid of things she had never thought about getting rid of, like her records, and books, and shoes that  she didn't wear, and her old toys, which she had planned to save as a memory of the past.

          Mother packed all her clothes, and Mari's clothes in her suitcase, and she would have to carry Mari, which meant she lost out on carrying another bag in her hand. In a large burlap sack, she packed bedsheets, blankets, pillows, tea, and other necessities. She stored photo albums, letters, and other family keepings in a large chest, which Crystal's mother, Mrs. White said she would keep safe in her basement.
  Soon they had just a few days till they would leave. Mother contacted the landlord, and told him that they were leaving the house, so he could rent it out to another family. Soon she started to sell furniture, and the house was soon empty.

    "Isn't it awful Crystal?" Sayaka said as they sat in the backyard of Sayaka's house.
    "I don't think I'd be able to pack my life into bags in just a few days.", Crystal said agreeingly.

   They sat outside and talked about school until it was time for Crystal to go.

    " Bye! I'll see you tomorrow before you leave! ", Crystal yelled as the car was driving away.

    Tomorrow was the day. Sayaka went to her room, and layed on the mattress on the ground. She didnt want to let go of this moment. She wanted to stay here in her room, on her bed, in this house forever. She didn't want to fall asleep either, she knew once she fell asleep, she would have to wake up, and leave her friends, her house, and her belongings.

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