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-Milo's POV-

I pulled into the school parking lot getting looks from everyone. I instantly knew it was from my car. 'Gosh I hate my parents' they bought me a brand new loaded white Dodge Challenger that had black 20' wheels. I stepped out of my car and heard a seductive whistle, I turned to see who it was directed to.

"NICKKKYYYY!" I heard someone yell and turned to see it was Caitlyn Hewitt tackling some guy

"Poor dude." I whispered as I walked into the school.

My best friend wasn't here today so I walked to the cafeteria for breakfast alone.

I went straight for the hot bar grabbing a few extra pieces of bacon and sausage extra. And a biscuit.

I grabbed some orange juice 'my favorite' and put my pin in. 3643

And sat down to the nearest table I could find. Then I heard yelling and screaming in joy walking through the door, was the boy and Caitlyn plus a few of their friends. 'There was something about him that Stan-' my thought process was disrupted by my fellow basketball team members. All sitting down at the table

"Hey, Milo what ya looking at?" my friend Mikey asked.

I hurried and turned so he wouldn't try and find who I was looking at.

'Why do I keep getting a feeling about that kid?' I asked my thoughts

I watched him choose the food he was going to get. I could hear him saying what he was getting a lot of bacon, extra sausage and a biscuit. I looked at my plate and noticed we got the same food...but what about juice? I chuckled and looked down then heard him say, "Yum OJ is the best!" As he walked getting his food and such he sounded like he was saying his thoughts aloud. It sounded as though he would think random things like when he got up to the cash register he said, "she'll find out who it is." Just out of the blue. Maybe he had a mental problem of some sort. But his voice was so serene. He turned to where I could see his face, he was adorable. Wait. What did I just say? I'm straight. 'Stop Milo' I said to myself and looked away from him. I ate my food then tore my biscuit with my fingers looking depressed as hell.

"What's wrong?" Mikey asked

"Nothing." I told him. I lied.

I turned 16 six months ago and haven't found my other half yet. Ugh. Usually the guys from the elements find Their dream girls a day or few after their Birthdays and I've been checking out all the girls lately and haven't found 'The One'

The bell rang and I walked to class our usual teacher wasn't here and neither was the rest of the class. It was only me.

"Is everyone out sick?" I questioned our substitute teacher

"Yes, and we're going to the gym today."

"Okay" I said gladly

I guess I was the 'jock' type, well I knew I was, but I definitely wasn't a jerk. I made good grades, I kept my room clean, among other things. I didn't care about all that now though. My mind was set on finding the one. My other half. I stepped in the gym and set my backpack down the coach handed me a white jersey and said,

"Put this on Marciano."

"K coach." I replied.

He was my basketball coach. He always used our last name when he talked. At least he did with the basketball players. He and I were more like father and son, he was one from the element clans with me. My father and him didn't really get along, but he and I did.

I turned walking towards the locker room. Then I remembered, 'I have my money in my backpack' then ran to get it and walked back to the locker room. I walked in and greeted a few of my buds in the corner. My arm was tired from lugging this bag around limply. I tossed it over my shoulder and felt it tap something I heard a quiet moan and turned.

"I'm so sorry!?!" I said

It was the kid from the lunch room.

I heard him speak but didn't see his mouth move I didn't really catch what he said, because I was wrapped up in my own thought.

"It's fine" he said quietly with almost a whimper.

As he spoke to me I inhaled from the chills he made go down my spine.

I felt so bad I just wanted to pick up his chin and look at his head to see if he was okay. But instead I walked away knowing that I was standing there longer then was needed.

I stripped down to my boxers, I looked over at the guy that sent me chills and he took off his shirt he was built so beautifully he must have swam or something, he looked like he was made for the water. He was slim, but lean he had muscles. And no body fat, he had a six pack 'nice' I thought. His butt fit his jeans amazingly. He had semi pecks and his nipples were the perfect size against them he had little body hair, so he probably had some kind of Native American in him so he was mixed, like me. I am Native American, Italian mixed. He wasn't really tan per-say but he wasn't pale he had a v-line and a small happy trail that must have lead somewhere. I smirked but then gasped at that thought 'why am I thinking these things?' I thought then shopkeeper my head out of the clouds. I got my clothes on and so did he. We were the only 2 wearing white jerseys I could see through his.

'damn' I thought 'shit what's up with me today?'

I walked by him to an open locker that I could put my stuff in I closed it and turned. He was leaving I stuck out my hand going to fix my hair so if he looked at me he wouldn't see hideousness, but I stopped about an inch away from my side. His hip barely scraped my finger tips and I felt a sorta electrical current run through the veins of my arm. 'Whoa!?' I thought

I heard him say "What's wrong with this guy? Can't he get enough of me?"

And then he chuckled

I chuckled too he was funny.

I followed him out of the locker room but turned to where I was planning to sit there was a large group that he walked into 'dang it. I lost him'

Coach whistled his whistle to get the gyms attention, "alright guys, settle down." he said and then we stood for the pledge


After the pledge I looked around the room to see if I could find him. I found him over with a group of his friends. Mikey was over by them as well.

Mikey started whispering in the kids ear. I started getting angry, but why? I was getting jealous of Mikey.

'what the hell is wrong with me am I in love?' No that can't be I can't fall in love until I have found my other half. And It can't be him he's also a boy.

Coach whistled again to get everyone's attention and the sound pulled me away from staring at...'what's his name?'

"Everybody, today is dodge ball day and if you're sitting during the game I will personally peg you in the face. That means you Nick!"

He said to the boy that I've been 'admiri-'

I stopped that train of thought before it lost control and crashed. I'm straight! Aren't I?

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