#Prompt 1

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This is the first prompt: "Daniel Morgan knew the kiss would ruin everything but he just couldn't stop himself from leaning over after Beth Myers said she had always had a crush on him since she first saw him..."

He knew he shouldn't be kissing her, especially when he was her killer.

He was sent to kill her

It was his mission to wipe her, and every trail from the earth.

Daniel didn't know why he was sent to kill her, it was just his job- to do what he was told.

His hands cups her face and he pulls her closer, closer to the kiss. She succumbed to the kiss, returning it. Thoughts ran through his mind, telling him to pull away, to give up on what he wanted, ever since he first saw her. He was sent to her highschool, to get close to her, learn everything about her. He only job was to get close to her, then kill her. Not this close though!

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