Hate & A Rejected Mate

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Karissa's P.O.V. :

It was friday so I woke up and got dressed for the day. After school there is going to be a party for the new Alpha who is supposed to meet his mate today. I never really go to pack parties, but I always go to the school ones.

Since being here I would get picked on by the girls in the pack because I am seen as a weak useless human. I never tried to be like them swooning over the men in the pack. I try to do training myself, secretly. I also, try to help become a medicine woman for the pack to help heal their wounds and injuries. I don't like sitting back doing nothing when I could be doing something.

I changed into a huge sweater that belonged to my father and wore shorts underneath with fishnets and tennis shoes.

I put my hair in a ponytail, washed my face, brushed my teeth then headed downstairs. I slung my bag over my shoulder while heading out the front door. The grass was green and the moon and the sun could be seen in the sky.

I popped in my ear bud and pressed play on my phone. One of my favorite songs by Lord Huron came on called, "Meet Me In The Woods". I started singing along to it out loud as I walked to school.

By the time I got there I noticed I was kind of early. I went to the library and took out my notebook then started doodling. After a while I checked the time. My watch indicated it was time for me to go.

I tried to find my friend Misty, but she wasn't in her usual place. I ended up walking through the hallway. I felt my heart stop when someone bumped into me. It happened to be Alpha Nathaniel or Nathan for short. He looked confused for a second.

He uttered the words mate and I looked around me. He ended up pulling me by the wrist. He fragged me all the way down the hall in front of the water fountain.

He was about to say something, but I stopped him.

I looked him dead in the eyes and said, Alpha Nathaniel if whether you want me or don't want me as your mate, I will be understanding.

He looked at me then told me, "We will discuss this later."

He released my wrist, leaving me there. I texted Misty then turned around an headed to class. I honestly didn't know how to feel about the situation.

I made it to my first period just before the bell rang. I scanned the room to see if she was in first period, but she wasn't there. I did notice a group of girls staring at me in an angry way. Well, this can't be good.

Half of them were from the packhouse and others well they didn't look familiar to me at all.

I made it through five class periods without my bestfriend, so I decided to sign myself out. I couldn't stand how fast word travels about me being the Alpha's mate.

I decided to just go home. I had a feeling after that to go in the woods. That is where I saw my bestrfriend Misty just relaxing by a creek.

I went behind her and ripped out her earbud. She screeched really loud, and let out a soft cry.

"You could have let me know you were going to be here and I would have ditched with you", I told her in an upset tone.

"I should have, but you actually need to graduate. You are a human my dear. I am just a nymph. I can be in nature all day because its my duty", Misty said proudly.

"Well it turns out I happened to be the mate of the Alpha in my own pack", I said in a solemn tone.

Misty shook me and yelled, "Why didn't you tell me"!

"I tried!", I cried out.

"Well then forgive me, but did he accept you or did he reject you???I need details", Misty said excitedly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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