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Cristiano's POV:
This was something impossible to keep hidden and got made for the public to attend. I looked back at Lana looking at her daughter in her car seat not knowing what was going to happen to her. I put my hand on Taylor's lap as she looked at me. We all got out into the flashing of the cameras I let Taylor go ahead as I stood by Lana and walked with her and the baby. The doors closed behind Lana as she turned to look at them as we walked into the court house.

Neymar made eye contact with Lana. My lawyer who was now Lana's for this case came over to us. "I hope u are prepared for this to go anyway" he said looking at her. "U mean prepared to lose my child...... then no" she said.

Taylor's POV:
"She should be with him u know" Neymar said behind me. "Oh right cuz I should be with u" I said not looking at him. "We can have a happy ending if we leave now" he said. "No my happy ending with u was when I left u cuz u were a drunk" I said and walked away from him.

Me and Cris sat on the bench behind Lana and her lawyer. The judge started talking, I took Cris' hand because I was scared I didn't know what would happen.

"After going over everything I have decided that the child will stay with the mother" the judge said. I closed my eyes in relief. I looked at Neymar his face was red with anger. I got up and walked in front of Lana. "U don't deserve her ur an unfit mother" he said. He started to walk towards us I put my hand up to the officers walking over. Cris was looking at me. "Says the drunk" I said. "Slut" he said. "You two need to take this outside. "If I take this outside I'm gonna be in here with him next" I said walking away.

I didn't say anything on the way back to the house. "Thank u for standing up for me" Lana said. "U were being attacked what else was I suppose to do" I said. She didn't say anything. "Anyway I'm tired" I said and walked away to go upstairs.

Cristiano's POV:
"Is Lana still working at the bar" Leo asked. "No she quit that night I went to get her, well I made her quit" I said sipping my gin and tonic. "Have u or Taylor been giving her money" Leo asked with a curious look on his face. "No we haven't have u" I asked. "No" he said. "How has she been able to afford everything" Leo asked. "Maybe she is living off the rest of what Neymar gave her" I said looking at Lana then back at Leo. "He didn't give her any money" Leo said. "How does she afford all this stuff she has, she came in with a $12,000 purse the other day" I told him.

"Lana come over here" Leo said looking at her. She started to walk over towards us. "Do u have a job" Leo asked. "No I haven't had time to get a job" she said looking back and forth at us. "Where has all this money been coming from if u haven't been working how are u affording things for Grace" he asked. "I had saved money" she said like she was hiding something. "U both and Taylor are always grilling me like I am doing something wrong" she added. "Maybe u are doing something wrong" Leo said.

There was a car that pulled up outside and her phone buzzed. "Who's that" I asked. "Just a friend" she said texting whoever was outside. I watched the car drive off in the corner of my eye. "Are u dealing drugs" I asked. Leo looked at me like I was crazy. "I gotta go, I have stuff to do" she said and started to walk away. I grabbed her arm. "Don't lie to me, if Taylor finds out about this u know ur out of here right" I told her. "I was leaving anyway" she said making me let go of her arm.

"Don't come to me anymore" Leo said making her stop. She turned her head side ways. "I don't need u anymore" she said. She took Grace and left.

"Where is she going" Taylor asked walking into the kitchen. Me and Leo looked at each other. "What" she said.

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