The Rebound Game

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"So Rin-chan, who do you like?"

Len snapped out of his daydreaming when he heard the question Hatsune Miku, the campus queen, to his crush, Kagamine Rin.

It was no secret that he liked her. He didn't even make a large effort to hide it anyway. The problem is, Rin is...  dense. Rin is dense. Len honestly thought that she would never notice that he really likes her even if it slapped her across the face.

He dropped so many signs, but she never noticed. Though all of his classmates have. That was why he was the main target of teasing. Mainly by Oliver. Definitely Oliver. (That stupid parrot obsessed sailor wannabe.)

"You were listening weren't you?" Len heard a rather husky in a whisper behind him that was enough to make the blonde shiver. If a girl would be subjected to that action, she would surely have one heck of a hormone rodeo. And even if a lot of people call him a shota, he still has a male  genitalia and heart. Which is why he was almost disgusted by what just happened.

"Kaito you gay!" He pushed the blunette away.

It was also no secret (at least to him) that his ultimate crush adored Shion Kaito (except for the guy himself), the campus heartthrob. His roguish appearance, toned body, handsome face that seemed to have a permanent smile plastered on it , attracted the majority of the female population and a few of the male population as well. (Len shivered at the thought as he remembered when one of his friends, Utatane Piko, asked him if he liked the guy because he stared at him every chance he got. And only Piko would confuse a glare from a stare.)

And what made the situation worse, this weird senpai was his brother in all but blood. They knew each other since they were three and four respectively. He was older than him even if the blonde acted older than him at times.

The two would share secrets like they were talking about the latest videogame they played.

So it was not a secret to him that Kaito was in love with Sakine Meiko.

"Was it obvious?" Kaito playfully said with a gay accent and finished it with a pose.

Len rolled his eyes at his best friend. "You know that's gonna turn off all your fangirls right?"

Kaito shook his head and sat on the table next to Len's. "I have my eye for only one girl."

There was a pregnant silence between the two.  Both boys we're lost in their own world,  thinking about their love problems. They coincidentally shared an all known sigh.

"So, whaddya need?" Len asked the bluenette.

"Meet me at the rooftop after dismissal in the afternoon. Although, could you hide. I need your help with something."

"Can you be more specific?"

"You'll know about it when you see it." Kaito stood up and gave one last look at his confused friend.

"I can count on you right?"

Len gave out a dejected sigh and a halfhearted smile. "I'll be there."

Kaito grinned at him. "Thanks." Then he started to walk away. But before he could exit the classroom he looked back at Len.

"Oh, and bring two cans of lemonade while your at it." Kaito went off with a wink.

Len shook his head at his friend's silliness. He turned his attention back to his classroom only to see most of them were looking at him.  Some with hearts in their eyes. (Ahem... Yaoi...)



Truth be told, Len didn't have the slightest idea what to expect. Ever since he met Kaito, the guy just loved to surprise almost everyone around him.

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