Chapters 7-8

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Chapter 7

I went outside of the school and saw Kelly's truck waiting for me in the parking lot. I walked over to it and got in. She smiled and said, "Hey there! So how was school?"

"It was fine. Just a regualer first day of school. how was your day at work?" She mumbled something along the lines of fine, and whatever. We drove home and I went to my room and put my things in my room. Then I changed into sweats, and started my homework. A few hours later I heard Kelly squeal and I ran out to the doorway and said, "What's the matter?" I saw my aunt hugging my new english teacher like they had known each other forever, which apparently they had. He was holding flowers and a bottle of wine. I was a little confused because both Kelly and I were underage (Kelly- 19 Me-17) . He looked about as surprised to see me as I was to see him. Kelly giggled and made in unneccessary introduction. "We already met." I told her. He smiled and said, "Hello Miss Chilles, how are you?" I replied with a fine and Kelly explained that when she was 15, she took a trip to England and that's when her and Stiles met. I looked at him and mouthed "Stiles?" He shrugged nonchalantly, but I saw him blush. I rolled my eyes and saw that Kelly wanted to catch up with her friend, so I walked back to my room.

20 minutes later, Mr. Lidden came and knocked on my door. Every part of me wanted to ignore him, but I got up and opened the door. He smiled and asked to come in. I shrugged and moved back to my bed. He went and sat on the chair on the other side of my room. He sat there for awhile,  just looking around m room. "Can I help you with something Mr. Lidden?"

"Your aunt is making dinner" (Which meant she was ordering take out)

"Thanks, but I am not really hungry." I replied. He smiled at me and I said, "What?" He stood up and went to walk out but before he did he turned and said, "It was lovely meeting you today, Julian. I know you are a special girl." And with that, he left.

Chapter 8

That night, after Mr. Lidden left, Kelly and I watched the Harry Potter movies and we practiced our british accents. I must say, Kelly was much better then I was. Then about nine o' clock, Kelly went to her room and went to bed. So I thought I would try txting the Collin kid I met earlier today. So I got out my phone and sent a message to him.

Me: Hey, this is Collin right?

Collin: Yeah, this is Julian?

Me: Yeah, how did you know?

Collin: I am just awesome :-]

So we sent a few messages back and forth, then he didn't respond so I assumed he was asleep. So I jumped in the shower and braided my hair when I got out. Then I got in my bed, and soon fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up, and went to get my breakfast, and I saw a note left by Kelly saying that she was called into work early. She apologized and said that we would, "Have girl time" later on. I rolled my eyes and ate my cereal then got dressed in black leggin's and my red tunic and went off to school.

When I got to school, I felt like less people were staring at me, but they still whispered things as I walked past them. I went to my locker before first period, and I heard someone talking about me, then a bunch of girls laughing. I looked over and saw the mean girl from the previous morning glaring at me and obvikously talking shit. But I am not a confrontational person, so I shut my locker and went to first period.

School went on like any normal day. If you didn't notice the way they talk or the side of the road they drive on, you would think you were still in America. After third period, I walked toward the lunch room. When I got my lunch, I walked towards the table and I noticed that Collin was sitting there with a few other people. I blushed and walked over to them and sat down next to Collin and he smiled and introduced me to everyone. I smiled and we chatted about  random things. I noticed that they talked about drama club alot. So i assumed they were the artsy group of the school. I smiled and nodded at them when I was ackowledged. Then Collin snapped me out of my daze and said, "Julian, you should try out for the play." I blushed and said, "Um, I don't think that is really my thing." The rest of the table agreed with him and I shrugged and said, "Oh I guess I could stop by a practice" They all cheered and then the lunch bell rang and we went to our classes.


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